Let’s Not Elect Our Executioners: Let’s Build Our Communist World

EL SALVADOR —The electoral machinery of the traditional parties bombards the population through the media and visits to workers’ communities with promises of change. Those who will continue leading capitalism will be elected.

What we workers need is a communist society that puts an end to the electoral processes that only deepen capitalism’s roots. In communist society, the leaders will be chosen collectively based on their involvement in the contradictions that are generated every day and on how they resolve them.

Each member of society must be a potential communist leader. The commitment of these workers will promote a better life for the collective. Whereas capitalism elects based on economic interests, in communism we will choose leaders based on the well-being of humanity.

A society divided between exploiters and exploited is what generates all the problems that we are living through today. In every electoral process the issues are the same: delinquency, poverty, education as a commodity, poor health care, etc. In the next electoral campaign, the problems will be the same and the same reformist “solutions” will be presented.

Since the country adopted a democratic system with its reform in 1992, no electoral process has changed the situation of misery and poverty of the working class. Therefore, why should we men and women workers go to the polls?

Instead, millions of workers around the world must fight for a communist society free of sexism, racism and wage slavery.

In this election we can see very broad discontent by the masses due to the corruption which they have seen. Presidents, deputies, and mayors from both major parties (ARENA and the FMLN) are involved.

The masses also feel the insecurity generated by an average of 12 deaths per day. These are the situations where the ICWP clubs must seize the opportunity to carry the message of a permanent political struggle against the powers of the bourgeoisie.

The bosses are the ones who finance the main political electoral parties that are called the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) and those who call themselves allies of the working class, that is, the “left” as the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN).

These parties have commitments to and make deals with the main businessmen of the country. In an election, the different groups of the bourgeoisie struggle to take control of the state and implement economic policies to get more profits. As a young person told us, “The ultimate goal of a business is to make a profit.” The voracious bosses need electoral circuses. We the working class need communist revolution.

We can hear some of our friends, family members and co-workers complain about the main electoral political parties and say that they voted for one or the other, because they didn’t have another choice. Let’s use every opportunity we have to share Red Flag with our friends and invite them to read our revolutionary newspaper. We need to create a consciousness of struggle and strengthening solidarity among our comrades.

It is from the organization and consistency of the communist clubs of ICWP throughout the length and breadth of the country that we can open spaces to struggle for communism. In communism where the productive forces of the state, the masses, will make the crucial decisions about the course of production, about the destiny that they want for their lives and those of their descendants.


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