Let’s Join ICWP and Mobilize for Communism
MEXICO — On June 4, elections will be held for the governorships of the states of Coahuila, Mexico and Nayarit. With the usual promises and lies, the Mexican capitalist politicians launched their candidacies and began their campaigns.
We workers must be clear that no capitalist party will change our situation. We need to build our own Party, the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP), to destroy the capitalists, put an end to their money and wage slavery, and build a world without borders or nations where our needs are met.
We must also understand the two important roles that the capitalist electoral circus plays. Both seek to prevent us from mobilizing for communist revolution.
First, elections are a way for capitalists to resolve their disagreements without going to civil war. Civil wars, with millions of city workers and farmworkers armed like in the Mexican Revolution of 1910, create the potential for a communist revolution.
Second, elections channel our class’ anger and hatred of capitalism into the dead end of the election booth. Instead of armed revolution for communism, they want us to vote for their “peaceful change.”
MoReNa is the most popular party because it can better deceive us with its populist politics. In addition, its program coincides with the economic and political interests of an important section of Mexican capitalists and their imperialist allies.
MoReNa is more useful to them now that the dispute over capitalist markets is getting sharper. This dispute leads to wider wars and eventually to world war. It also urges our class to form our worldwide party, ICWP.
The capitalist mouthpieces want to deceive us by saying that the big imperialists can divide up the world peacefully. Lenin refuted this idea saying that war between the big powers is inevitable. The First and Second World Wars confirmed it.
But capitalist wars and crises open opportunities to free ourselves from the chains of wage slavery, as our brothers and sisters showed in Russia and China. They both made a revolution, the first in 1917 during World War I, the second soon after World War II. Their mistake was fighting for socialism instead of communism.
The current worldwide capitalist crisis hastens our opportunity. We will not commit the mistakes of the past. The collective experience of the workers around the world assures us a future in which we will all contribute our work and thinking and enjoy collectively its products.
As in Syria (see article Page 16), in Mexico the capitalist groups and their respective imperialist allies are fighting over control of the labor power of our class, the oil wealth, manufacturing and raw materials.
Under the attack of the US imperialists led by Trump, the Mexican capitalists have returned to the diversification of their companies: looking for investments other than with the USA, “strengthening the internal market” while supporting exports, which also should not focus only on the USA.
The current dispute over the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is because the US wants to deny NAFTA privileges to other foreign producers in Mexico, especially the German, Japanese and Chinese automakers.
They don’t look kindly on the fact that the Atlacomulco group, one of the pillars of the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI), has done business with European industries like Daimler-Benz, or that they have signed contracts with China to build the high-speed train that would go from Mexico City to Queretaro, or the failed “Dragon Mall” in Cancún, both stopped by US pressure.
In addition, the US bosses are losing huge profits in the auto industry, displaced by European, Japanese, and now Chinese imperialists, this time producing cars in the City of Sahagún with joint investments from Carlos Slim, the richest capitalist in Mexico.
The rival imperialists to the US are not standing by idly. China offered its support if the US withdrew from NAFTA. The Europeans said they would not take their industries out of Mexico, even if they were charged with a 35% tariff. All of them are exploiters.
The devaluation of the peso, which hits our class very hard, benefits the Mexican capitalists and the imperialist investors because the products assembled in Mexico are sold more in the US and in the rest of the world.
As we can see, capitalist loyalty is only to money and to keep us exploited. Our loyalty is to our class and to the communist revolution that will destroy capitalism forever.
We invite you to join the effort to build ICWP. Get organized with us to give the final blow to capitalism, and together we will build a communist world!