The Future For Youth Is To Build ICWP
66% of South Africa’s population of 55 million is under 35 years old. Therefore the majority of people in South Africa were born in 1982 and after. So when the African National Congress (ANC) took power in 1994 the majority of the population were less than 13 years old, or hadn’t been born yet. They did not experience apartheid.
The ANC has maintained its majority and power on the basis that they fought apartheid. A person may say that they will never criticize the ANC because it fought for them and gave them a RDP house (8m x 4m in size), and that it enabled them to go to places like the beach which they couldn’t before 1994.
But most youth have lived almost their entire lives under ANC rule. They have experienced its failures, corruption and inability to provide FOR the needs of the masses. They are disgruntled by it and looking for alternatives.
This provides us with a great opportunity to mobilize and show them that the only alternative is to put an end to capitalism and fight for communism. Looking at their present and future life, many can definitely tell that the ANC does not represent their needs, or prosperity. Hence they have no trust in it.
There is a general way of thinking here that you have to finish school, then go to the university, then get a good job. Then your life will become better. In turn the lives of the working class become better. They have always been brainwashed with that.
The ANC has always been able to sell the illusion that they represent the interest of the working class. They do not. Rather they represent their own interest and that of their allies, many of the Black capitalists and foreign investors.
It is our task as young communists to fight the capitalists whether they are black or green, especially fighting their wrong ideas. Ideas that are downgrading to the working class, that influence individualistic and nationalist tendencies. The growing inequality in our society is the result of capitalism, administered by the ANC’s black elites. After they won power in 1994, they have continued to enrich themselves, at the expense of us, the working class.
This decline in power that the ANC faces was always going to happen, whatever party was in power, because they were not fighting to end capitalism. They fought the wrong struggle. They were not fighting capitalism that was administered by the white supremacists of the apartheid regime. They were opportunistic from the start. They rallied support as if they were fighting for the interest of the oppressed majority, but they were fighting so that they could be the ones who share in the dividends of exploitation.
As a result today, South African capitalists are both black and white. They are united in exploiting the masses regardless of the color of their skin.
The history of apartheid (racism on a higher grade) has made it easy for them to use race in order to divide and rule, to prevent the workers and students from uniting. It is our target to unite white and black workers because that is key in defeating racism along with capitalism. We are materialists, scientists. We know that there is only one race, the HUMAN RACE.
We are one working class with similar interests, being exploited, being forced to live under unbearable conditions because of capitalists globally in their pursuit of profit and power.
The falling and failings of the ANC provide us here in South Africa with a big opportunity to mobilize the disgruntled masses for communism and fight to put an end to this “horror with no end: capitalism.”
We, the working class, need to fight for communism internationally because we do not live in isolation. We cannot succeed in fighting for communism if we take the nationalistic approach. History shows this. Capitalism is global. In order to defeat it, we have to be an unstoppable international force fighting for communism. Communism that will break all the evils faced by the masses, that will unleash a world with no poverty, no borders, where human needs are met and prioritized. A world based on objective reality to provide for the needs of the working class, the ones who create all the value and worth.