Capitalist Crisis and Struggles of Brazilian Workers and Soldiers

Show Potential to Fight for Communism

May 28—Tens of thousands of workers and students in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, fought pitched battles with the police and stormed various government buildings. The government of President Temer panicked and asked the military to rescue it. Within 24 hours the army that was called in to quell the rebellion was back in the barracks. The government feared that the soldiers too would join the rebellion. The massive rebellion of the soldiers in 1935 led by communists still haunts the Brazilian rulers.

Brazil is in a severe economic crisis. Capitalists made huge profits in the last 20 years by selling minerals, oil and grain to the fast-expanding Chinese economy. But capitalist expansion creates too many commodities that it cannot sell. Factories close, workers lose their jobs and their homes and millions are left with a health care system that hastens death.

As factory after factory in China reduced production, Brazilian capitalists responded by increasing production of natural resources and grain to compensate for the falling value of the Brazilian currency, the Real. Massive amounts of iron, soybean and oil could make more homes and feed more people but they brought hunger, unemployment and homelessness in both China and Brazil.

Only communist society can provide answers to the relentless attacks on the working class. In a communist society, there will be no profit so there will be no money. Communist society, based on collectives, will investigate the need of the working class and mobilize the masses to meet our need. Communism will unleash new forces of organizing production, houses, health care, transportation, learning.

Brazil has the largest black industrial working class in the world. From the days of slavery to the current crisis, black workers are in the forefront of the fight against capitalist oppression. We want to win masses of angry workers in Brazil and around the world to join our party to end the tyranny of capitalism. Our struggle to win the industrial working class and the soldiers must intensify.

The history of heroic struggles by the Brazilian working class and the fact that from 1822 to the present times, the Brazilian army has seen more than 30 major rebellions of soldiers show the great potential and power of these two crucial sectors for revolution. We invite our readers in Brazil to turn this potential into a reality by joining our party today to advance the struggle for communism internationally.

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