Mexico City: We Have A Plan for Communist Revolution

MEXICO CITY, May Day—“What you’re doing is a utopia; it will never be a reality. Look at what happened in Cuba,” commented a worker when we gave her Red Flag.

A comrade answered, “Do you know what a utopia is used for? A utopia serves as a guide to go forward. Even if it appears to be a dream; we will make it a reality because we have a plan.”

We discussed the differences between the political line of the International Communist Workers’ Party and other “left” parties with a friend who was invited to the march. We mentioned that money and its root, capitalism, will not be maintained because it allows the division of classes and promotes racism and sexism. In addition, there must be an international struggle since the bosses don’t respect borders in order to exploit workers with poverty wages.

We told her and other workers who received Red Flag that we do not advocate reforms since we do not negotiate with bosses. We advocate for change through a revolution that must be communist. History has taught us that to struggle for communism in stages, or for socialism, does not work. We talked about the urgency of organizing ourselves into only one Party, to read Red Flag, to analyze, develop class consciousness, and to know that we belong to only one class, the international working class. We don’t need the bosses.

Some workers listened attentively while they were sitting and waiting for the march to start, others while they were standing or walking. We distributed 1,000 Red Flag newspapers to the men and women workers in the march. We did this with five comrades and a friend of the Party.

We invited other comrades and friends of the Party who didn’t come or who didn’t accept the invitation. Self critically, we must sharpen their contradictions to motivate them to come to this political event as well as the study circles.

The mood and the political consciousness of the comrades who participated was very gratifying: the participation of a comrade who promised to come to the next study groups, the trip of almost 4 hours for two comrades, and of a 12 hour bus trip for a comrade and a Party friend to get to May Day, the preparations by another comrade for printing Red Flag and having it ready to distribute. This meant that each comrade contributed according to their commitment.

As we see workers receive and read Red Flag, we will continue to prepare ourselves for next May Day. We will sharpen our contradictions, and in union with comrades of the world, will continue talking about and fighting for Communism.

Greetings Comrades and Friends of the Party and Red Flag Readers. Let’s fight for our Communist Society.

— Young Comrade in Mexico

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