Capitalism Asphyxiates Eleven Immigrant Workers

We Need a Communist World Without Borders or Wage Slavery

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, July 22—Pain and tragedy return to take hold among the families and friends of the eleven immigrant workers who died from asphyxiation inside a truck that transported them to the supposed “American Dream.” It is believed that about 100 people were in this truck.

The driver abandoned the truck with the immigrant workers inside, without air conditioning and without water, in front of a Walmart store. When the police came and opened the truck, the dehydrated, almost dying men and women wanted to get out and breathe, but the racist police didn’t let them leave. Instead they began to handcuff them and take them out one by one. Inside lay some already dead. Others died in the hospital.

Government agencies blamed the driver and the coyotes (the mafia in charge of collecting payments and transporting workers over the borders). But they don’t mention that these immigrants are fleeing from the violence and poverty caused by the capitalists and their governments. That the real guilty parties for the deaths of these men and women workers are the bosses and their system of borders and profits.

Who decides on the racist anti-immigrant policies that put more rocks in the road for those who are seeking their survival? The bosses and their governments! A system like this doesn’t deserve to exist.

We need a world without borders, a communist system, where the resources of the whole world will support everyone.

That’s why we take Red Flag to factories and other places, to organize and to create this communist world, where the human being as an individual person is placed above any monetary transaction. A world without money, or exploitation; that will be our future.

For those eleven lives that were lost and for so many others worldwide in search of this economic dream of being a wage slave, let’s destroy this system of wage slavery by joining ICWP and fighting for communism.

LOS ANGELES, US, July 26—Hundreds of people gathered on the corner where a street vendor was attacked by a racist. These workers, pushing food carts through the neighborhood, are constantly harassed by the police. Now gutter racists feel supported by the racist anti-immigrant politics of the US ruling class. More than 150 people gladly took our newspaper Red Flag, including one person who donated $5 dollars and two more who gave us their names so we could stay in contact with them.

Front page of this issue