Fighting for a Communist World Without Borders

LOS ANGELES, US, July 21— The ICWP participated in a march against the separation of families at the border. Friends and comrades distributed Red Flag and had many conversations emphasizing how communism will unite the international working class in one common global family.

“I went to my second ICWP protest a couple weeks ago”, wrote a high school student who had also helped distribute Red Flag. “My mom went this time it was so nice seeing her get involved in communism. A close friend and my sister also came. It was a really good experience to be able to share with them. I felt good and happy to be surrounded with other people wanting to express their voice wanting a good change in the world.

“During the march I saw a woman in a wheel chair needing help. In an instant many people gathered around to help. It made me feel like there were still good people in a world slowly turning bad. It gave me hope.

“On the way home my mom kept telling me that what we are doing is a good example for people that are scared to speak up. ‘It is good that we go out there and protest for people like me that are here illegally,’ she said. ‘I’ve noticed that in the protest there was a mix of all people but less Hispanics. In my opinion they are afraid to participate but they shouldn’t be. We work hard in this country and deserve to be treated fairly and equally and shouldn’t be afraid to speak our minds.’”

The new young comrade concluded with, “It was honestly an honor and a pleasure to participate in such a good cause and would do it again any time. All of us have decided to join the party and fight for communism.”

The student has been part of the ICWP student collective at her high school for the past year. She is going to continue with that. And we have made the plan to involve the mother with the party workers’ collective.

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