Workers are the losers in South Africa elections

Fight the Capitalist Monsters—We Have a World to Win

Capetown, South Africa Nov 18—Dis-Chem distribution workers on strike against racist pharmaceutical company. In Johannesburg, police fired rubber bullets to disperse thousands of protesting strikers.

SOUTH AFRICA—The 2019 national elections are fast approaching in South Africa. The capitalist ruling class and their political vassals are fighting really hard for the support of the masses in order to win the elections.

The political landscape is fragile and volatile. The masses are facing head on and feeling the effects of overproduction and capitalist greed.

Most people are not working. Poverty is striking. The latest stats show that about 53 children die every day because of hunger here in South Africa. Crime is on the rise. More than 50 people die everyday from murder alone. Overall 30 million South Africans live in poverty.

This is not unique here in South Africa but it is what our working-class family are facing in virtually every nation from India to Brazil to Mexico.

As usual, because the elections are coming up, the politicians are on full alert trying to win the votes from the masses. They are hands-on fighting with one another to win power.

All these horrors which are prevailing are not the result of individual political parties or individual “corrupt” presidents or ministers within the nations, as the media would like us to believe.

They are the direct consequence of capitalism with its never-ending expansion and exploitation of the masses in every aspect of human life. This is primarily driven by capitalism’s overproduction and competition between the capitalists and between big capitalist nations or between imperialists.

Certainly the imperialists’ competition here in South Africa is full on and is being fought at the local level between various factions in the ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), and between the ANC and the other opposition parties like the Democratic Alliance and the Economic Freedom Fighters.

The faction that favoured Russia and China in opposition to the Western imperialists seems to be on the losing side with Ramaphosa being in power. He favours the West.

Just last week war criminals like Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were here, surely devising their plans.

Regardless of who wins influence in this competition the only guaranteed losers are the workers and masses because these politicians aren’t our friends.

We are only losers in so far as we sit and don’t do anything to fight these monsters. They are using the land rhetoric, nationalist sentiments and driving racial divisions amongst the masses to divert us from the real problem, which is capitalism, and to prevent us from uniting from within and internationally.

This is why we call for every working-class brother and sister, and students alike, to join ICWP and accelerate the fight against capitalism in order to establish a communist society that is not based on money, exploitation and greed.

Join the fight for a system that is based on meeting the needs of the masses, that is committed to using the productive power of the working class for their own benefit and needs, not for profit.

Communism will abolish hunger, poverty, and crime because food and shelter will not be produced in order to make billions. They will be produced for their primary purpose which is to provide shelter and nutrition to the masses.

It will be done by workers themselves by organizing their society in the way that it meets their needs. Join the struggle today and prevent us from being losers in capitalist games, but instead to become winners who forge the future. We have nothing to lose but our chains.

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