Democrat Politicians Defend Bosses’ Borders

The Communist Masses Will Build a World Without Borders

LOS ANGELES, US—“There’s a lot of sympathy and support for the immigrant workers and their families who came in the caravan—both here and in Mexico. Some of my friends are collecting clothes to send to the people camped out in Tijuana,” said a friend.

A comrade said, “There is an outpouring of support for the immigrants in Tijuana. Many are collecting clothes, food and blankets and bringing them to the people waiting at the border. Those camped in Tijuana are organizing among themselves to help each other, share what little they have, and to make lists for asylum applications. They are distributing according to need and acting collectively.”

This shows that the masses can organize ourselves and share, and do so across borders! This shows that communism will work, and how it will work!

We talked about borders that were created by capitalism along with nations. Communism will eliminate both. Everyone will be welcome and needed everywhere to help contribute to produce for the needs of all. We won’t be forced to compete for jobs which turn us into the capitalists’ wage slaves in order to survive.

Not yet convinced about the need for a communist revolution, the friend continued: “The Democrats are at least better than the Republicans on immigration. They attack Trump’s vile anti-immigrant racism.”

“They’re not better,” our comrade explained.

On November 22, Hillary Clinton said, “Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame. I admire the compassionate approaches by leaders like Angela Merkel but I think Europe must send a clear message ‘we are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support.’”

Since Trump and right-wing politicians in Europe got elected based on racism against immigrants, she called for limiting immigration and aid for refugees. That is, take over the fascists’ program in order to “stop” them! She was immediately praised by anti-immigrant fascist politicians in Europe for “seeing the light.”

A few days later, Thomas Friedman wrote in The New York Times, the liberal imperialist campaigner against Trump, a column saying “We Need a High Wall with a Big Gate.” He states, “I don’t think the Democratic Party is just for open borders.” He calls for “securing the border” and passing laws that offer immigrants a path to citizenship—comprehensive immigration reform.

Currently, worldwide there are nearly 70 million migrants seeking refuge for their survival. They are fleeing wars, economic crisis and climate disasters. This is the result of capitalism’s inevitable crises of overproduction, imperialist wars and global warming. The same economic crisis has led masses in France into the streets to take on the system of the rich.

Friedman calls for expanding the military and the Peace Corps to help “stabilize small farms and governance in a world of disorder.” In the 1960s, the Peace Corps was exposed as a front for the CIA. So he is really talking about a two-pronged strategy for imperialist subjugation: the military and its Peace Corps/CIA front.

More and more people favor open borders or no borders and an end to deportations. Many are supporting the immigrants at the border. But they must not count on liberal capitalist politicians!

The masses need a communist understanding that the working class is a global human family and needs no borders or immigration laws. They need to join the ICWP and mobilize for a communist revolution to get rid of these evils.

The way to put an end to the capitalist disasters causing more people to seek refuge than at any time since World War II is with communist revolution. The masses can mobilize for and win a communist world. Refugees must and will be welcomed everywhere that has been liberated. We will replace borders and nations with one communist world and one International Communist Workers’ Party mobilizing the masses everywhere to spread revolution and production and distribution for need. The solidarity and sharing at the border show us the way forward.

Barcelona, 2017: Demanding that the Spanish government accept more refugees

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