El Salvador: Garment Worker Talks to Co-Workers About Communism

El Salvador—At the international conference we had the opportunity to talk with comrades from other countries, listen to their experiences, and share our own experiences, which motivated us to move forward in our struggle. During one of the breaks, I talked to two comrades and told them about a discussion about the Party and Communism I had with a co-worker. These comrades encouraged me to write the story below. They invited other readers and members to share their experiences in Red Flag as well.

At a meeting of our group of maquila workers we read the newspaper article from the US entitled “Thirst for Communism.”

A co-worker, who we want to recruit to the Party, commented: “You’re crazy. Today you have a thirst for communism where there will only be hunger, where you yourselves say that there will be no money.”

I explained to him what I have learned collectively with my comrades about Communism. I made him see that we now make dozens and dozens of pieces of clothing every day for the minimum wage. But under communism we will only make what is necessary, what workers need.

In communism we will also work the land collectively to produce what is needed.

If I have a large family with ten people, I will be given what I need of food, clothing and other necessities. If, on the other hand, my family has four people, we will only be given what four people need.

We told him that in today’s capitalism only 10% have adequate housing, healthcare, and food, etc. On the contrary, 90% of us don’t have these needs met.

The co-worker replied, “It sounds nice, but capitalism is not going to let us get to communism.”

I replied “I wouldn’t be able to do it by myself. But if we all fight together we can win.”

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