El Salvador: Join ICWP to Fight for Communism Here and Now

EL SALVADOR—This May Day the International Communist Workers’ Party calls on the international working class to join us to mobilize the masses for communism.

On this May Day we remember the Paris Commune: the first time the working class took state power with the goal of building a new society based on the communist vision that they had. It was the first workers’ revolution led by communists.

On this day we also remember the armed insurrection of 1932 led by the Communist Party of El Salvador. We remember Farabundo Marti, Zapata and the thousands of city workers and indigenous rural workers massacred by the Salvadoran bourgeoisie.

These insurrections didn’t achieve their goals and were drowned in blood. But their self-sacrifice and heroism inspire us not to falter in our fight to mobilize the masses for communism.

We fight for Communism here and now. The old communist movement and the different expressions of the left believed that the masses could not be organized with communist ideas. The experiences of the past have shown us that this was a fatal mistake.

Organizing the masses with communist ideas means making discussions about the most essential aspects of the construction of the new society into mass discussions.

In the fields and in the factories, the ICWP clubs relate communist ideas to the workers’ material reality.

“What most surprises people is that we talk about eliminating money and living without bosses. It’s hard for them to imagine a world like this,” commented a comrade maquila worker. She was analyzing the way the party’s ideas are received inside the factories.

The clubs in the maquilas constantly discuss how production will be in Communism, how it is now in capitalism, and what is needed to bring about this change.

Young students are reading and discussing this newspaper, Red Flag. They also participate in meetings with workers, men and women, to learn together about communism and how to spread these ideas.

In the fields, the farmworkers’ club is talking about how to bring communist ideas to the agricultural collective that they have initiated.

These initiatives and questions are basic to start a process of collective learning about the experiences of the communist movement in the past and the challenges of a revolution of the magnitude that ICWP is trying to organize.

The ICWP is a mass party. We break with the idea that only the most “advanced” of the working class can be part of our organization. The Party is open to all those who see in the struggle for communism an alternative to the economic, social and environmental crisis that capitalism generates.

The electoral “left” is in the midst of a crisis since the March 4th elections. It’s the same crisis that “left” electoral parties in the rest of the world are suffering. These parties are being thrown out for not being able to administer the crisis of capitalism.

The crisis of overproduction is slashing the few basic services that the States allow the masses. They are forced to implement the measures of the IMF and World Bank. The masses are the ones who suffer because of the politics of the electoral left: trying to reform capitalism. We are the ones who must build new instruments of politicization and communist struggle.

ICWP continues to work to be the instrument for the struggle for a new Communist society. We invite ALL those who want to be part of this effort to join. With humility, learning from the sacrifice and efforts of the revolutionary movements of the past from all over the world, we reaffirm our commitment to the struggle for Communism.

Communist revolution is no longer a dream. It is a necessity.

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