Mexico: Workers Need Communist Collectivity, Not Capitalist Greed

MEXICO—This May Day we fight to end wage slavery with communist revolution. The only way to get rid of our problems is to get rid of the capitalists who use our labor power as a commodity, to reproduce their domination over us.

We need a world where nothing is bought or sold, a world without money where we produce, freely associated, to meet our needs, without capitalists who live off us.

Hundreds of thousands of workers and students, women and men, are taking to the streets to protest aspects of capitalism: wages, water, health, safety, security, etc. These masses are, in essence, hungry for a new society. That is the communist society we fight for.

In capitalist society, the endless fight over wealth and control among the great capitalist-imperialist powers has resulted in the US bombing of Syria, bringing closer its direct confrontation with Russia and China. This would have dire consequences for all the workers of the world. But World War is also an opportunity for masses all over the world to mobilize for communist revolution.

In Mexico, greed — the drive for profits by the national capitalists and the imperialists — has also intensified, bringing death for the working class. Different groups of capitalists are fighting for control of the government, trying to secure their businesses.

In the electoral dispute the currently governing electoral faction seeks to continue in power by making JA Meade (PRI) win, regardless of who they step on. The electoral fraud appears obvious.

There is another section of capitalists, underestimated by the financial oligarchy and displaced from important businesses (drug trafficking, electronics manufacturing, print media). These mostly medium- and small capitalists, displaced by voracious corporations, support Anaya (PAN-PRD-MC) or Lopez Obrador (MoReNa-PT-PES).

This July 1st, 15 million youth who have only heard demagoguery and electoral politicking, will vote for the first time in the presidential elections. Some have become “disillusioned with democracy.” They have no confidence in the electoral institutions and feel an “insidious detachment” from political life.

Many workers are angry with the government and have illusions about a change with Lopez Obrador. Others, a good portion of those who still believe in elections, will only vote for him because they are angry with the PRI.

The elections will not resolve our situation of being wage slaves. They only serve for us to elect our next hangman. They try to divert us from mobilizing for communism, the only way to end our wage slavery and build a world where we produce collectively solely to meet the needs of all workers everywhere.

To achieve that, we need to organize ourselves in the Party of the international working class, ICWP, to liberate ourselves and to help liberate our working-class family around the world.

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