Spain: One International Communist Workers’ Party to Fight for a World Without Borders

BARCELONA, SPAIN —May Day is the workers’ day, the day that the whole working class takes to the streets to demonstrate our strength!

In Catalonia, the working class is living with the results of the separatist/independence movement and fascist repression by the national government. The Spanish President Mariano Rajoy and his henchmen violently attacked masses deceived by separatism, arresting the independence leaders. In addition, Carles Puigdemont, ex-president of Catalonia, and his crew went into exile, abandoning the masses.

Comrades of ICWP showed once again that the politicians only crave the votes that generate juicy salaries for them and a big slice of the pie of profits that the workers sacrifice for their coffers.

We, the working class, live with uncertainty. We live each day worse off due to the creation, through garbage contracts, of jobs that don’t pay enough to live to the end of the month.

We live in a society in which capitalism is responsible for fomenting racism among our class. Every day racism intensifies due to the crisis created by the bosses and their need to divide our class. We live every day under the influence of the bosses’ fascism.

Both the independence movement and Spanish nationalism are nothing more than strategies to keep different sectors of the working class busy, divided and distracted from the miseries that the system generates. We don’t need any bosses—neither from Spain, nor from Catalonia, nor from anywhere in the world.

We need communism, where we the workers resolve our own needs. We will use our own force of production to truly meet the needs of the working class.

We don’t need borders or nations or wages. We need only our own labor power and an international party, the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP).

The ICWP fights directly for communism. It mobilizes the masses to defeat capitalism and does not waste efforts for the reforms that are offered by the swindler capitalist politicians.

Today is the time to unite, no matter our skin color or “race” or social status. It only matters that we are one class and that we must be united to resolve all the calamities imposed by capitalism. Let’s build a mass army willing to vanquish capitalism and build a communist society.

Join the Red Army of the workers of the world for a society that meets our needs. JOIN ICWP! LONG LIVE MAY DAY!

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