Women Comrades Play a Key Role Building ICWP in India

Women fighters in the communist-led Telangana (Hyderabad) peasant revolt, 1946-1951

Women comrades in the ICWP in India today are giving critical leadership in the fight to end capitalism’s racist and sexist terror by mobilizing for communism.

Masses were outraged by a recent heinous gang-rape, torture and murder of an 8-year-old girl by racist thugs trying to terrorize her nomadic Muslim community. To make matters worse, the fascist BJP ruling party organized mobs to support the criminals.

Another among many atrocities: Men associated with the BJP raped a 17-year-old Dalit woman. When her father went to complain, he died in police custody.

When hundreds, then thousands, then millions more join and build a mass International Communist Workers’ Party in India, we can end fascist capitalism once and for all. We can win the armed struggle for a communist world.

In communism we will be organized worldwide to produce and share the things we all need, without wages or markets or profits. Communism will empower us to end the divisions of racism, sexism, communalism and religion. Communist production will be the material basis for transforming the working class into one human family.

Join the ICWP! Recruit co-workers, relatives and friends to the ICWP! Help translate Red Flag into many languages and spread it worldwide!


Greetings to all the Comrades out there. I am from India ICWP. I’ve been a part of the ICWP movement for two years, through an ICWP Comrade who introduced me to a lot of different kinds of struggles going on all over the world and the working class struggle and the social struggle. It’s almost the same in every part of the world.

I belong to the Dalit marginalized group. So education was also a very difficult task. The kind of struggle that I went through and my parents went through—it’s very difficult to go through this. The whole reason for this is the capitalist movement.

I think the Communist movement has played an important role in the formation of the world—like in the Soviet Union and other examples. As a part of the communist movement, I will be a very very progressive person who will help to organize and fight against the capitalist world and help up-bring the communist world to a different level. This is my struggle and the struggle should go on to the whole working class. Capitalism should be ended as soon as possible.

Signing off from India, Red Salute. Revolution!

Another greeting: Red Flag and ICWP are struggling to get rid of oppression and exploitation happening against the workers by organizing the international working class. The struggle must continue so that the world’s workers are not exploited and oppressed. Congratulations to the Red Flag. Red Salute!

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