Young Autoworker Comrade Writes

In Communism, Masses Will Share And Enjoy The Things We Make

SOUTHā€ˆAFRICA, April 22ā€”I joined ICWP in 2013 when my friends told me about the Party. They gave me literature. I got interested by reading the dialectics material. I was absorbed by it and said, guys, now as Iā€™ve read this, how do I join? What do you do?

They explained more. Sharing is one of the things that I used to do, even before I joined the Party. Now itā€™s the political line that we have to share and not be selfish. It is a very profound thing to do as a human being because we all have that that human need of not just thinking about ourselves but to look after other people also. We are all humble, we are all workers.

I enjoyed going to mobilize to some events, hanging out with people and answering their questions. We can end this capitalist system that is so brutal.

Those bosses that we work for are exploiting our labor. Itā€™s the only thing they need because everything that we are surrounded by was built by the workers. Now weā€™re not enjoying or using the things that we built. These things are being used by the bosses, which is why I joined the ICWP. So we can make and use and enjoy those things. The masses need to see this system was built for exploitation.

I recently joined the auto industry. Iā€™m starting to learn. I see this as another tool the bosses use. You work and study for half your life, then train for five years and thatā€™s when you get paid. What bugs me is that in a workplace you canā€™t say the things that matter the most because these things can get you fired. And I think these things are what make the work environment tense.

People have this tendency that you work there and you have money. But money is not everything. Time is everything. And being told what to do is not within human nature.

Iā€™ve only been working in this industry for three weeks. I thought that itā€™s not possible to organize in the factory around communist ideas, that itā€™s possible to organize people outside but not inside the premises of the workshop because they work with the system that is exploiting people.

But the auto industry is key for the bossesā€™ system; itā€™s very important for our work. With struggle, I decided that it is possible if I can branch out, I can come up with other members from there ā€”through the way that I communicate with othersā€”by making friends and finding out what they think.

I will try by all means. I will bring problems I face to our collective so they can help to overcome them. I have to find some comfort zone in the spot, to be comfortable enough so that I can talk deeper. I have to conjoin the ICWP with what they want. Thatā€™s why I have to get to know them first. Itā€™s the early days now. I donā€™t have much time to socialize yet, but when I get there I will definitely love to have some Red Flags and let them read them and see their response.

The goal is to have many Red Flag readers and to recruit ICWP members in the auto industry. You have to live the party, to be the party everywhere you go, not just when youā€™re with the other comrades. I always make sure that I represent the party wherever I am.

Front page of this issue