India: ICWP Rejects Reformism: Brings Communist Ideas To May Day

May Day greetings to all of you comrades! ICWP in India celebrated May Day this year by making a bold appeal for the workers to join ICWP to organize for communist revolution. This was a hugely successful day for us as we were able to coordinate three different collectives in different cities of India. About two dozen comrades participated in different May Day marches armed with a special flyer about the need to join ICWP. This flyer was translated into five different languages. At the end of the day we had distributed one thousand flyers and 200 copies of Red Flag. Not a day passes in India without mass demonstrations against the horrors of capitalism. There are many organizations that lead and organize such events. But ICWP is the only group that calls for destroying capitalism and replacing it with communism as a way to solve the problems of unemployment, horrific sexism, the murderous caste system and wage slavery in general. When we break the chains of wage slavery and the money that binds it, we will be able to create a communist society where each and every one will contribute to building an egalitarian future for all. This society without the bosses and money will, for the first time in history, be able to smash racism and the barbaric oppression faced by Dalits and others. Our May Day success has given us a sense of more responsibility. The response from the masses, our friends and coworkers is overwhelming. The discussion of communist society brings us closer to understanding the necessity of organizing hundreds of millions around fighting for communism now. Bosses have promised good days for the workers, but capitalism only brings more misery. Any attempt to reform this system misleads the masses. We reject any and all attempts to reform capitalism which does not deserve to exist. Day greetings to all of you comrades! ICWP in India celebrated May Day this year by making a bold appeal for the workers to join ICWP to organize for communist revolution. This was a hugely successful day for us as we were able to coordinate three different collectives in different cities of India. About two dozen comrades participated in different May Day marches armed with a special flyer about the need to join ICWP. This flyer was translated into five different languages. At the end of the day we had distributed one thousand flyers and 200 copies of Red Flag.

Not a day passes in India without mass demonstrations against the horrors of capitalism. There are many organizations that lead and organize such events. But ICWP is the only group that calls for destroying capitalism and replacing it with communism as a way to solve the problems of unemployment, horrific sexism, the murderous caste system and wage slavery in general.

When we break the chains of wage slavery and the money that binds it, we will be able to create a communist society where each and every one will contribute to building an egalitarian future for all. This society without the bosses and money will, for the first time in history, be able to smash racism and the barbaric oppression faced by Dalits and others.

Our May Day success has given us a sense of more responsibility. The response from the masses, our friends and coworkers is overwhelming. The discussion of communist society brings us closer to understanding the necessity of organizing hundreds of millions around fighting for communism now. Bosses have promised good days for the workers, but capitalism only brings more misery. Any attempt to reform this system misleads the masses. We reject any and all attempts to reform capitalism which does not deserve to exist.

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