Communist Unity Can End Capitalism-Imperialism’s Middle-East Bloodbath

June 2—In an outpouring of mass anger, thousands of Palestinians marched in the funeral procession of Razan al-Najjar, a 21-year-old nurse murdered by an Israeli army sniper. She was approaching the Gaza border fence to aid a wounded Palestinian man. She was wearing her white medic jacket and vest and holding her arms in the air to show she was unarmed.

The Israeli army has killed 121 Palestinians at the border fence and injured over 13,000 since protests escalated on March 30. Outrage at these killings has spread among Palestinians and throughout the world.

This passionate solidarity should motivate us to mobilize masses worldwide for communism.

Only communism can end this slaughter and all the other horrors capitalism-imperialism imposes daily on the world’s workers.

Only communism can end the towering inferno that the imperialists and other capitalists have created in the Middle East in their quest to control the oil which is crucial to their world domination.

These mass murderers pit workers in Israel/Palestine against each other – Jews, Christians, Muslims. Their goal is to divert their anger away from their real enemies: Israeli and Arab capitalists and all the imperialists.

They speak of an “Israeli-Palestinian problem” when the real problem is capitalism-imperialism.

They propose a “two state solution” or a “one state solution” in which Israeli/Palestinian workers would still be divided by racism, borders, nationalist flags and religion. They would still be exploited, oppressed and slaughtered by their respective capitalists and their imperialist allies.

The only real solution is communist revolution. By destroying wage slavery, money, private property and the market, we can create a world without racism or borders or nations – without xenophobia, nationalism and patriotism. Only then will the Israeli and Palestinian masses be able to embrace each other as members of one family.

Can we forge the working-class unity necessary to make communist revolution possible in the region? The capitalists and their media say no. That their conflict is from “time immemorial.” History disproves this lie.

In 1919, the Palestinian Communist Party was founded mainly by Jewish Communists from Europe.

Many Arab Communists joined. Jewish and Arab comrades fought together against both the Zionists and the British imperialists. They organized joint strikes and rebellions against attacks on the Arab masses.

Zionist leaders and the British imperialists on the one hand, and Arab bosses on the other, responded by stepping up their efforts to divide Jewish and Arab workers with racism and nationalism. Over the last century they have turned the region into a mass grave—all to control the workers and the oil-rich Middle East.

All workers have the same interests: we need to free ourselves from wage slavery and the racism and nationalism that are always part of capitalism.

The way to start is by spreading Red Flag throughout the Middle East. Help translate it into many languages so that we can build ICWP massively there and everywhere.

Yes, we CAN unite to build the communist world that we need and deserve! And, yes, we will!

Communism Will Prevail

Dear Comrade, thanks for contacting me. It was wonderful to talk to you about Red Flag and communist revolution. In the war zone here in Syria where we live, the internet connection is not very reliable but whenever possible, I try to read Red Flag although my English is limited.

Different capitalist bosses and their puppets are fighting a fierce battle to dominate not only the Syrian working class but the working class in general, globally. Only an extremely naïve person can see any hope in supporting one of the blood thirsty butchers. We need communist revolution NOW.

I want to tell the world that in the midst of the fire and fury of deadly weapons and unimaginable suffering and devastation, the working class has not given up. Numerous small groups are springing up discussing how to change the world. Tattered copies of Marx, Lenin and others are shared along with the ideas of ICWP. As I told you many months ago, it would be wonderful if we could get an Arabic translation of the ICWP document MMC. It is my dream to meet you some day. This might not be possible as war creates uncertainties about life.

But there is one certainty – the international working class will triumph. Life will conquer death and the communist way of life will prevail. On behalf of the comrades here, accept our comradely embrace. We are one in this struggle. Long live communism

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