Fascist Attacks on Immigrant Children

Angry Masses Need A Communist Solution

USA, June 6—Thousands of people across the US and around the world have taken to the streets in the past month to denounce the racist and fascist attacks by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE).

On May 7, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the US would begin to separate children from their undocumented parents at the border in every case—including those seeking refugee status. Since then, every week, an average of 329 children, including one as young as 53 weeks old, have been ripped from their parents’ arms and put into detention facilities.

Then, on May 23, Claudia Patricia Gómez González, a 20-year-old Guatemalan immigrant, was assassinated at the US-Mexico border by an agent of the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). First claiming that she had been part of a group that had attacked the agent, the CBP later dropped that charge. Gómez González was shot in the back of the head.

The capitalists need borders to divide the working class and sharpen our exploitation. These latest attacks unmask he vicious racism of capitalism and its borders.

We fight for a communist world with no borders. As a high school student said while discussing this situation, “We can create a communist world where there is no distinction. But first of all we need to make a revolution to change the whole system, make a world revolution and get the power and set up a communist government.”

We fight for a communist world where we work together to fulfill human need, where nothing is bought and sold, and where children are cherished. In that world, the ties of parents to their children are enhanced by the social bonds between comrades.

Capitalism has everywhere attacked the most vulnerable, exploited children, and destroyed families. This long and bloody history is interconnected with the racist exploitation of people of color.

The official policy of the US, until 1865, plucked the children of enslaved African-Americans from their parents. Until the end of the Civil War, it was common for slave owners to destroy families by selling children or parents to other slave owners. Enslaved women were used to breed children who would then be stolen from them and sold to other slave-owners.

This was the very nature of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, especially in the British colonies of North America and the Caribbean. Africans were kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder.

In the US, Canada, and Australia, indigenous and aboriginal children were forcibly separated from their families and sent to boarding schools. There they were taught to reject the language and culture of their families and forcibly assimilated. They were often physically and sometimes sexually abused.

It was capitalism that enslaved African people and separated their families for profit. Likewise, the families of indigenous people were separated to facilitate the occupation of their lands and use them to produce profits (money). Imperialism creates the precarious situation in which our brothers and sisters, like Claudia Gómez, are forced to emigrate for a better life.

This inhumane capitalist system cannot be allowed to continue. This mass anger must be mobilized for communist revolution, where we wipe out the bosses, their cops and border patrols, their borders, their system of exploitation and money itself. We can only do that by building a communist party that can mobilize the masses for communist revolution.

As a young woman discussing this system concluded, “We have to make a decision to change all the inequalities we live in today and focus on a better world for all.”

Join ICWP! Fight for a communist world without borders.

This inhumane capitalist system cannot be allowed to continue. This mass anger must be mobilized for communist revolution, where we wipe out the bosses, their cops and border patrols, their borders, their system of exploitation and money itself. We can only do that by building a communist party that can mobilize the masses for communist revolution.

As a young woman discussing this system concluded, “We have to make a decision to change all the inequalities we live in today and focus on a better world for all.” Join ICWP! Fight for a communist world without borders!

Capitalist attacks on the children of the working class reveal its inhumanity. The desperate condition of workers’ families has forced children into horrific conditions since the beginning of capitalism. The industrial revolution of the19th century forced European peasant families off their land—and many of their children were forced to work in the new capitalist factories and mines.

This is not a thing of the past. Pakistani children make soccer balls for the World Cup. Milli ons of girls are so ld into marriage to pay off their families’ debts. 132 million children under 15 around the world work in agriculture. Children as young as 8 years old fight in Africa’s wars. Thousands of children are separated from their mothers and grandmothers in the US by the criminal injustice system and the war on drugs. Tragically, this list could go on.

Anyone who cares about the wellbeing of the children of the world must fight to put an end to this murderous system with communist revolution. In communism, we will combine learning and age-appropriate practical work from an early age in nurturing, healthy collectives. Work will be fun and inspire confidence and collectivity.

Breaker Boys—Pennsylvania Coal Company’s mine in South Pittston 1910

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