May Day in Mexico

Workers Embrace Communist Ideas


MEXICO CITY, May 1—This May Day we distributed about 700 Red Flags to miners, students, teachers and unionized workers. The majority received it and read it enthusiastically. With several of them we discussed communism in more detail. Others asked us for an additional copy or gave us some coins.

We understand that the work of extending communist ideas is primary in the face of the imminent third world war, and that the extreme conditions that the bosses have imposed on workers from all over the world helps us to explain the nature of capitalism.

In this electoral process, the working class relies a lot on the false solution offered by the electoral parties. Thousands of workers trust the pseudo-left party MORENA. Nevertheless, ICWP comrades in talks with relatives, friends and protesters on this first of May, explained the death trap that the electoral circus is. We explained that only a communist revolution led by millions of workers around the world can uproot the evils

of capitalism, and that only in communism will the needs of the entire working class be met.

When we explain communist ideas with clarity and confidence, workers understand that it is the real solution.

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