Build Communist Movement to Fight Every Attack on our Class

June 25ā€”Angry masses across the US and around the world are taking to the streets to protest, disrupt and try to stop the bossesā€™ fascist attacks on the youth and children of our class.

Groups acting as ā€œOccupy ICEā€ temporarily shut down offices of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) in Detroit, Portland, New York, Los Angeles and elsewhere.

Masses have marched in the streets of Pittsburgh, night and day, enraged by the murder of 17-year-old Antwon Rose by cops who shot him in the back.

Their anger is a response to increasing fascism, both in word and in deed. Antwon was one of at least six black men and boys murdered by US cops in June alone. More than two thousand children, some as young as 13 months, have been ripped from their migrant parents by ICE, which imprisoned them in an assortment of jails and foster care facilities around the USā€”with no plan to reunite them with their parents.

Fascist propaganda, straight from the top, has tried to justify these attacks on our childrenā€”the children of the working class. Presidential speeches and tweets have compared immigrants to vermin. They have slandered immigrants as gang members, criminals, murderers and rapists. This kind of language exactly parallels the way that the Nazi Party in Germany referred to Jews.

ā€œFox & Friendsā€ co-host Brian KilmeadeĀ sparked more outrage when he declared, ā€œthese arenā€™t our kidsā€¦itā€™s not like [Trump] is doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas.ā€ Centuries of racist propaganda have so dehumanized and demonized black men and youth that it is a radical assertion that ā€œBlack Lives Matter.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s the most effective way to stop this?ā€ asked a student.

ā€œRevolution,ā€ a teacher replied. ā€œRevolution for communism.ā€

Capitalism needs racism for its profits and to divide and conquer the working masses. Capitalism in crisis relies on racism to justify and institute fascism. Workers in the US ā€“ like those in India, Italy and elsewhereā€”are seeing our class increasingly divided.

On one side are the large numbers of angry workers of all ā€œracesā€ who are appalled by the open racist attacks and police terror.

Democratic Party politicians and operatives are doing their best to channel mass anger into the dead-end of voting. But most of the young people and many older ones have welcomed Red Flag and discussions of communism during mass rallies, social events and on the job.

On the other side are an increasingly hostile minority, mainly white, who are doubling down in defense of the fascist in the White House. Some have been emboldened to openly attack black, Latino and Muslim children and adults ā€“ even in supposedly ā€œliberalā€ cities.

Many are workers who are cutting their own throats as the Trump administration kills their jobs with tariffs and diverts their future Medicare and Social Security benefits into tax cuts for the rich. These fools are the bossesā€™ tools ā€“ and the working class has a long memory.

Our Plan: Take Advantage of Every Opportunity to Mobilize Masses for Communism

A black activist with decades in the struggle asked a comrade recently if we thought the time for non-violent passive resistance was over.

We must be clear:

Our plan has never been to appeal to the conscience of the bosses to get them to back off from their fascist attacks.

Our plan is not self-defense, or the abolition of ICE.

Our plan is to weld the masses into a revolutionary force, motivated by a vision of communist society that can take up arms to wipe out capitalism and remake the world. Our tactics in fighting every attack on our class must correspond to this strategy.

Only communism can eliminate borders and border enforcement, police terror and the police themselves. Only communism can end racism and the wage system which is its material base.

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