Spain: Workers Welcome Refugees

Build An International Party To Destroy Capitalist Borders

SPAIN–On June 11, 630 migrant workers from Libyan waters were rescued and arrived at the shores of the Mediterranean seeking refuge in Valencia, Spain. They were received by more than 2000 volunteers with a banner saying ā€œWelcome homeā€ after the politicians of Malta and Italy refused to give refuge. The boat came with men, women (several of whom were pregnant) and children in precarious conditions seeking a dream: ā€œa better future in Europe.ā€

These refugees were fleeing the war that was provoked years ago by the Western imperialists seeking oil profits in this region. Imperialist wars have left destruction and more wars in countries like Libya, which has one of the largest reserves of oil.

Control of oil is the main reason for the wars in this region. The rulersā€™ media portray it today as a war against the Islamic State (the war on terror). Thatā€™s just another of the strategies they invent to be able to appropriate that oil.

Itā€™s the working class that suffers as a result of these wars. People are killed, cities are completely destroyed, and inevitably there is an exodus of workers to European countries in search of a better future.

The shows of support and affection that these migrants

received from the workers in Valencia is the really important point and what we must highlight. When the working class unites there is no calamity, there is no hunger and there is no poverty, much less national borders.

These actions give us the confidence that workers in Spain and around the world can unite, in spite of all the bossesā€™ propaganda that tries to divide us. And they call us, the members of ICWP, to become more active and to take our communist message to workers here in Spain.

In this period, the ICWP in Spain is working to strengthen our communist cell. We are studying dialectical materialism and preparing ourselves for the struggle in which we will defeat capitalism. Part of that is taking Red Flag to the factories to recruit more workers to our party.

The International Communist Workers Party (ICWP) fights for communism. We will build a better society, a communist society where the common good will be paramount without the need to have money. Society will be organized in such a way to promote collective consciousness, so that individuals think about the quality of collective life, rather than monetary gains as people do in capitalist society.

We will eliminate wage slavery, sexism and racism and tear down all borders. Eliminating the capitalists and their profits will eliminate imperialist wars. ā€œRefugeeā€ will only be an entry in a in a history book. Join this fight. We are the working class and we can change the world.

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