Factory Workers Welcome Bold Communist Response to Bosses’ Attacks

More Capitalist Repression = More Communist Struggle

EL SALVADOR—It is 4:00 pm somewhere in the outskirts of San Salvador. Thousands of men and women are leaving work, exhausted after leaving their strength and life in the maquila shops. Outside a group of communists are distributing our literature. Hundreds take it and even help distribute it. With these small actions we are starting to build a different world.

Since the increase in the minimum wage, the bosses have intensified their exploitation, controlling by the hour the production in the maquilas. They also take advantage of these conditions, with the complicity of some trade unions, to harass the men and women communist organizers of ICWP and try to make them feel desperate.

Faced with this situation, the industrial club of ICWP decided on a communist way to respond to the bosses’ attacks. Denouncing the abuses by the bosses gave us a big opportunity to spread communist ideas and call for workers to organize in the ICWP.

The leaflet explained, briefly and concretely, that the humiliations and degradations are part of the exploitation that capitalism needs to survive. We encourage the workers to be part of the discussion of communist ideas in the ICWP clubs to strengthen our political program.

“Ah, it’s Red Flag, it’s their paper” (referring to our comrades who organize inside the factory). Immediately the workers recognized the newspaper and related the leaflet with the political work that the communists carry out day after day in the maquilas. Five hundred leaflets and two hundred Red Flags were distributed.

“They are doing something good. No union dares to do what those in Red Flag denounce,” said a young worker the next morning inside the factory. Our bold response to the bosses’ attacks generates confidence in our Party and our ideas. The commitment with ICWP is also the commitment of making these kinds of actions constant. Let’s find the main obstacle that prevents us from doing that.

There will be no attack without a response. This must become clear in the mind of the boss, but above all to the men and women workers. But to put an end to the origin of exploitation we have to eliminate the whole material base of capitalism. Eliminate wage slavery, organize production and the society to meet the essential needs for all.

There are no final answers or magic solutions. We need more people to join our clubs to discuss and strengthen the line that we have developed so far to fight for a communist society. There is much work to be done!

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