Is Trump a Traitor?

Not to the working class. He has always been our enemy, like every other capitalist politician. You can betray your friends but not your enemies.

To the US capitalists? Certainly to some of them. Thatā€™s what it sounded like when he trumpeted his greater trust in Russiaā€™s Putin than in the official organs of US imperialist state power. Thatā€™s when even staunch Republican congressional leaders felt they had to speak out and criticize his remarks. And why Trump had to make a lame effort to walk it back.

But Trumpā€™s critics are doing those same US capitalists a big ideological favor.Ā Ā  .

They call Trump ā€œunpatrioticā€ as if patriotism were a virtue. We communists stand on the principle that ā€œthe working class has no nation.ā€ We organize internationally, across the bossesā€™ borders, so that one day a communist world will smash those borders and nations

They say Trump should act like ā€œthe leader of the free worldā€ as if US imperialism hasnā€™t for centuries enslaved, oppressed and exploited the worldā€™s masses. They built the US on stolen land with slave labor. The working class can only free itself from all imperialists and capitalists by mobilizing for communist revolution.

They refer to Putin as a ā€œcommunistā€ as if Russia hadnā€™t turned its back on communism many decades ago. Soviet socialism contained within itself the seeds of the unfettered wild-west capitalism that flourishes in Russia today ā€“ and which many US oligarchs would like to restore in North America.

We communists have learned from the heroic struggles and tragic defeats of mass communist movements of the past ā€“ especially in Russia and China. We now see that the communism, desperately needed everywhere, cannot be won by fighting for anything less. Not for socialism, not for democracy, not for national liberation or economic justice ā€“ we must fight directly for communism.

Patriotism is the ideology of the rulers to get us to fight for their nations and empires. Workers shouldnā€™t side with any imperialist or capitalist ā€”whether from the US, Russia, China or any country. They are all parasites living off our exploitation eager to spill our working class familyā€™s blood to defend their profits and empires. We need to fight for communism to put an end to their wage slavery and deadly competition that leads to wars, including world wars.

When a ruling class is divided and in disarray ā€“ as US imperialism is today ā€“ we must take advantage of their strategic weakness by stepping up the fight to destroy their deadly racist system. Our loyalty must be to the masses ā€“ the international working class ā€“ and to the final victory of communism.

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