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International Communist Workers Party

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RED FLAG Article Series

Communist Dialectics Articles


Fight for a Communist Pact With the Working Class!

BART: How the Wage System Beats us Down!

MTA: End Capitalist Inequality with Communist Collectivity

Bangladesh: Mass Strikes Show Potential for Communist Revolution

US Budget Crisis

For a Healthy World, Plant Seeds of Communist Revolution

Communism Will Make it Possible to End Anti-Social Behavior

Hypocrisy of Declining US Imperialism

Lifelong Comrades in Struggle can Mobilize for Communism

Letters to RED FLAG

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RED FLAG Archive


El Salvador:

Capitalist Elections? No! Communist Revolution

EL SALVADOR--What is ALBA Oil? A few days ago, it would still have been an act of treason against the fmln electoral party to have said that it was a capitalist business with a clear mercantilist vision, willing to make a deal with anyone. But in this pre-election period it has been the same owners of this capital who have opened an enormous campaign saying what the communists organized in the International Communist Workers' Party have been saying for years.
"We are a company that believes in the free market." "We are the defenders of individual freedom." "We do business with large producers," etc. These kinds of statements would have put before the firing squad more than one fighter for the now extinct Faribundo Marti Front for National Liberation (FMLN). Now old figures from the disappeared Salvadoran Communist Party are the owners of these kinds of businesses.
"We are part of the new, modern left," shouts the fmln Presidential candidate Salvador Sánchez Ceren. Clearly, they were never communists, but instead part of the reformist petit bourgeoisie that always believed in the electoral system and never in the working class.
The reaction of the local bourgeoisie has been one of satisfaction and that is why the biggest bosses of this country are supporting the "democratic alternative." Clearly, the owners of the country will continue to be the same with some small reform.
Thousands of dead fighters in the streets of this country gave their lives with the desire to see the working class take power, not to serve as the capitalists' puppets. The leaders of the current fmln party have made their political- economic moves with true capitalist cunning. As a politician of the old right said, "We have them where we want them!"
The communists of ICWP struggle for the means of production not to be private property, since what is produced is the product of collective work. The means of production must be geared to meet the needs of the working class. Their respective distribution must be, "from each according to commitment, to each according to need" and not be the property of a tiny group of small bosses as is currently the situation in El Salvador.
Many former members of the FMLN have been building Red Flag study-action groups and believe in the working class as the main focus of the transformation for this country and for the international working class. They have discussed a lot about these new elections of 2014 and there is definitely nothing new. On the one hand, there is an old group of the right (ARENA) and a group which split from them (GANA) and the emerging capital of the new bourgeoisie (fmln). (The electoral party uses lower case initials to distinguish themselves from the FMLN, the guerrilla movement.)
Communism does not create false expectations among the working class. Workers are conscious that these ruling class options will only change the names of the capitalist henchmen. The only real option that the comrades in the factories, army, schools and universities have is to immediately join the Red Flag reading groups and be an active part of the organizational growth of the International Communist Workers' Party.

For a World Without Borders, Let's Fight for Communism!

LOS ANGELES, SEPTEMBER 30-- "The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (CFR) will not benefit undocumented workers. I didn't participate in the demonstration to support it. I went looking for people like you with a socialist or communist vision," explained an immigrant worker.
We met this worker in a demonstration in which over 5,000 people participated on Sunday, Sept. 23 in downtown Los Angeles. Members and friends of the International Communist Workers' Party also came to bring the masses our analysis of Comprehensive Immigration Reform and our vision of a communist world.
Many responded enthusiastically, chanting our class-conscious slogans like, "The Working Class Has No Borders!""What do we want? A world without borders!" and "This is the fist of the hour: Workers to Power!"
We distributed over 700 copies of our communist newspaper Red Flag and met several workers who wanted to know more about our communist ideas.

Fight for reforms or for revolution?
"We also don't support Immigration Reform. We participate in these demonstrations to spread our communist message and look for people like you who long for a radical change," we told him. "Yes," he emphasized, "reforms cannot end capitalism. Immigration reform is a farce."
"It is more than a farce. It means 10 years of slavery for these workers…" we started to explain.
"No, not 10, it's 13 years," he interrupted.
"Yes, 13 years of slavery," we said, accepting the correction. "If one is unemployed for more than 60 days, one can be deported. The bosses will use this to impose lower wages and slavelike working conditions. Short term, this superexploitation will make the products of the US capitalists-imperialists more competitive in the market. This will produce enormous profits for them.
"But, in the long run, it is to enslave them in the bosses' war industries to produce weapons on the cheap when the US confronts China and Russia in WWIII for control of the world.
"That is also the purpose of the DREAM Act. It pretends to help undocumented youth go to college by giving two options to become residents: two years of university studies or four years of military service—or be deported. The majority of these two million youth will end up in the army. That is why the Pentagon supports this law," we explained to him.
"I agree with you. There is no good reform. We must destroy capitalism. I support the long term struggle for socialism and communism," he answered us.
"Industrial workers and soldiers are crucial for revolution. We send our young comrades to the factories and the military to organize for communist revolution. Both experiences have shown us that the masses can be won to fight directly for communism," we stated.

Fight for Socialism or for Communism?
This discussion took most of our meeting. We explained that socialism is state capitalism. It kept wages, money, and production for sale. Our friend agreed that money corrupts and that the communists who ran socialism ended up becoming capitalists.
He took our manifesto, Mobilize the Masses for Communism and several copies of Red Flag. He told us he would share our ideas with his friends and family, here and in Mexico. We agreed to meet in two weeks.

Contact ICWP: Email: icwp@anonymousspeech.com