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BOEING CONTRACT: No to Extortion!





RED FLAG Article Series

Communist Dialectics


US-Iran Deal: Peace or to World War?

As Crisis Deepens, New Communists Step Forward

Boeing: Straight-Arm Capitalist Politics With Political Strikes!

UC Strikers Need a Different World

US-China Conflict Sharpens

Actions Enrich Our Communist Convictions

Immigration Reform: Ploy to Build the Military

Learning Dialectics From History

Middle East / North Africa: Masses in Motion Need Communist Outlook

Letters to RED FLAG

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Boeing Workers Ask,
"What's Going On?"

Communism is the Only Legitimate System

PUGET SOu\UND, WA, November 16 —"Okay, what's going on? Why'd you ask that question about the backlog?" So began the meeting after the first crew meeting since we rejected the Boeing contract proposal. The bosses wanted a "feel good" atmosphere after last week's class struggle. Mid-November saw the chants of marching workers echoing through the plants. Furious members filled the union halls, chasing down union leaders who dared to bring this contract extension to a vote. Machinists shouted, "Go back to D.C.!" at International Association of Machinists' International representative Mark Johnson.
"'We' just sold a record number of new 777X airplanes at the Dubai air show," bragged the boss at the start of the meeting.
"Were they sold at a discount?" we asked.
"The company sells airplanes based on their cost." "No, they don't. Not any more!" The boss tried to change the subject, but we got back to it at our own meeting after the crew meeting.
New hires and veterans discussed how the company's discounted backlog assures more attacks on us. Commercial president Ray Conner wants to preemptively sew up orders for these kinds of jets with cheap prices. The only way that can be profitable is with cheap labor. The attacks will continue and intensify. These 777X planes won't be delivered until 2020. By that time the Chinese will join Airbus and a host of other capitalists producing commercial jets. Too many manufacturers will be producing too many goods that we workers can't afford to buy.
"This is how capitalism has to work," said an old-timer. "It's called a crisis of overproduction." These systematic crises lead to long-term depressions as the bosses are suddenly forced to cut production. "A lot of people are going to lose their jobs," figured another new hire.
"And those that don't won't be making enough to live on," added another.
"Eventually the bosses will have to attack their international competition as well as us. Then they'll send us or our kids to war to fight some other exploited worker for the glory of profits!" added a third.

Masses Revolt; Rulers Lose Legitimacy
Given this scenario, workers all over the world are rebelling. For example, South Africa miners denounced the ruling African National Congress (ANC) as the racist exploitation of post- Apartheid capitalism became too much to bear. They attacked the united Mine Workers' offices because the union "partnered" with the ANC. Last week's demonstrations outside the IAM offices held similar potential. The bosses are alarmed by the masses' anger with capitalism. Their call to next year's World Economic Forum at Davos focuses on the rulers "lost legitimacy."
"One of the most important issues facing the [capitalist] world is the growing vulnerability of political elites," warns Ian Bremmer of the u.S. bosses' chief think-tank, the Council of Foreign Relations.
Even more alarmingly, "The problem is not limited to political leaders; corporate decision-makers [i.e. bosses] face their own sets of risks." The workers can't live in the old way; the rulers can't rule in the old way. Even the "middle class" is questioning their future under this system.

Communism Gains Legitimacy
The only legitimate solution is communist revolution. Communism will put an end to capitalism's endless overproduction crises.
We can rationally plan production based on the needs of the working class when we eliminate production for profit and sale. Collective mass struggle to secure our communist future will replace the tyranny of markets.
Even more importantly, we can change the structure and rationale for factories themselves. We can turn the factories into educational and cultural centers. The factories can be in the forefront of the struggle to erase the elitist distinction between mental and manual labor. Changing the nature of mass production sets the stage for the struggle to win generations of new communist leaders.
Capitalism is rapidly losing legitimacy. From crew meetings to union meetings, from in-plant marches to holiday social events: mobilizing our friends for communism is on the agenda. Mobilizing the masses for communism--this is our guiding principle, now and in the future. Join us!

Jean Mart Capitalists Give
"Gifts" of Layoffs & Abuse:

For a World Without Exploitation

LOS ANGELES, November, 2013—The following is part of a letter sent by some garment workers from Jean Mart to Red Flag:
"In this company, the quality inspectors and the ones who distribute the work commit many injustices against the workers. They humiliate, abuse, and offend the operators, whether or not they make mistakes. There is a lot of discrimination. They give preference to the people they like.
We tell the workers not to be afraid to report and struggle against these abuses. When the inspectors make a mistake that affects up to 1000 garments, they don't say anything, but when an operator makes a mistake with 8 or 30 pieces, they want to eat you alive. They treat workers like garbage, like we're not worth anything, as if they themselves were perfect. They demand that you do things that they don't know how to do. If they don't like a person, they give them a 'warning' about being fired."

The workers shouldn't see these petty servants of the bosses as the main enemy. The main enemy is capitalism, and workers need to see that this anti-working class behavior reflects the social relations of the capitalist system. The bosses want to wash their hands, but they are the ones responsible. This is the capitalist mentality of the whip, which the inspectors and those who give out the work imitate.
The whole capitalist system is based on us workers being forced to sell our labor power to the boss for a miserable wage. This gives the bosses the power to abuse and fire us.
The workers here produce clothes for big companies like True Religion, Diesel, Lucky, and others. This puts between $12 and 24 million in the bosses' pockets from the hard work, all year long, of hundreds of men and women garment workers.
To carry out their exploitation, the bosses manipulate a sector of workers, using competition, individualism and the illusion of "power," to attack the rest of the workers. The social relations of capitalist production mean exploiting workers for profit; the bosses are swimming in a sea of wealth while the workers barely scrape by.
In this company, like all others worldwide, the workers are exploited. When production orders go down, they are thrown into the street in a cowardly act, as if they were disposable. Recently many of these workers were sent home, unemployed on the eve of the Christmas holidays. The stress of the capitalist commercial "holiday" of buying, and the costs of survival are a double attack on the workers.
In a communist world, the social relations will be completely different. They won't be based on exploiting masses of workers for the profit of a few. There won't be wages, money, or bosses who steal the value workers produce. Collectively we will plan, produce and distribute everything according to workers' needs.
We workers must see that, united with this communist vision, we are strong. Instead of using the bosses' whip to attack our class brothers and sisters, we must unite as one fist to organize a communist revolution to destroy the bosses and their system.
In a communist society, communist relations will be based on respect and comradeship among all workers. Everyone's contribution will be valued. Communist education will fight to ensure that all workers see each other as brothers and sisters, not enemies. But the working class will take steps to punish those who mistreat their co-workers.
The bosses and their capitalist system are the enemies. Their state protects the individual boss so that he can send workers to the street without suffering any consequence. This shows that in capitalism, wage slavery rules. The world does not have to be this way. We can and must destroy this murderous system and build a communist world in which the main thing will be to meet the workers' needs and not fill the bosses' pockets.
We invite all the workers of Jean Mart to continue reading our communist newspaper Red Flag and to join the International Communist Workers' Party, as a present to the working class of the world, in the fight for a world without exploitation, bosses or discrimination.

Contact ICWP: Email: icwp@anonymousspeech.com