El Salvador: Answer the Closure of the Brooklyn Factory with More Communist Struggle and Workers’ Organization!

Statement of the ICWP Maquila club in El Salvador:

Brooklyn, the biggest garment factory in production for years in the area where we work, has closed without giving explanations, that is to its workers, of course.

They have left more than 1200 workers without work. We can see that when the bosses have already have gotten the profits they needed and have exploited their workers, they close shops without a care about the workers’ lives.

In this closure, workers and union leaders have confronted each other, since the latter have profited from the value that the workers have created. The trade unionists had gotten money from the bosses before the plant closed.

We have already planned a meeting with Brooklyn workers with our ICWP collective.

It is clear that the road to poverty for the workers is not communism, it is capitalism. Let’s destroy soon what is destroying humanity!

The Brooklyn workers arrived one morning to find to their surprise that the factory had closed and the boss had fled the country. The machines and the cloth were still there but the workers could not enter the factory. The workers have no source of income to buy food and basic services for their families.

This is not the first time this happened. It happens due to capitalism, in particular the complicity of the law of free trade zones and the passivity of the government and union leaders.

The bosses (like one of Korean origin who recently also fled the country) accumulate profits at the expense of the maquila workers. Then they leave without caring about the life of the workers.

We denounce the closure of this factory and extend our communist solidarity nationally and internationally with the currently unemployed workers of this factory.

We call for a greater worker organization and a permanent political struggle for communism as the only way to end these abuses of life and dignity that every man and woman worker deserves!

The fact that the government of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, the Ministry of Labor, the union leaders and their boards of directors ignore these acts shows their complicity with the capitalists in their attacks on the workers. We ask all workers in the free trade zones to be alert in the face of similar practices of other bosses and business groups … only the working class will save the working class.

Only by mobilizing for communism will we end these attacks by the profit hungry bosses by eliminating wage slavery, bosses and money. In communism, we will work collectively to produce for human need.

The International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) is unconditionally supporting the struggle of the workers in the Free Trade Zone of El Salvador and the World.

Read and distribute Red Flag.

Report to the ICWP the abuses against the dignity of the working class.

No more fear! Greater worker-peasant organization! Mobilize for Communism!

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