Greetings from Pakistan: Communism Fights Nationalism, Chauvinism and Fascism

Greetings to our comrades all over the world, long live communist revolution! We are a group of students and some workers in Pakistan.

Our special, warm and heartfelt greetings to the comrades of ICWP in India for their extraordinary courage and determination to fight nationalism, chauvinism and fascism as the capitalist bosses prepare to sacrifice our working-class brothers and sisters on both sides of borders.

We have nothing to gain from the sick capitalist system that must be destroyed with communist revolution worldwide. We dedicate ourselves to this cause and resolve to build ICWP.

We were introduced to ICWP by Red Flag. Our interest grew as we carefully started reading Red Flag. We realized that not a single party or group that we know of is building for communist revolution. Our salute to ICWP for analyzing the past mistakes and learning from it.

What is happening in this war-mongering between India and Pakistan is that the capitalists in both the countries are disguising the internal crisis of capitalism that causes poverty, religious ignorance, unemployment, sexism.

They want the working class in both countries to fight each other while capitalists and imperialists feast on our blood for their profit. The local capitalists in India and Pakistan are trying to influence the sharpening contradictions between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

We must build ICWP worldwide to create a communist society without the bosses and their borders.

—Comrades in Pakistan

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