“Make Way for the Women”


BARCELONA, SPAIN—“We are the voice of those who have no voice!” “Women who organize don’t iron any more shirts!” “No war that destroys us, nor peace that oppresses us!” were some of the slogans shouted by some 200,000 workers in the streets of Barcelona this March 8, International Working Women’s Day.

Many social movements and trade unions were present at this event, demanding higher wages and more gender equality. However, these movements are not fighting for real change. They are fighting for reforms that are only crumbs offered by the system to the world’s working class to keep the masses under control.

The International Communist Workers Party (ICWP) fights for change, but not for reform. We fight for a communist future where both women and men can freely develop their potential. In the ranks of the ICWP we struggle every day to break the sexist and individualist teachings that capitalism gives us.

We teach our children that there is no difference in chores and rights between boys and girls. A comrade who works in a nursery tries to educate in a gender-free way, strengthening the thinking of children equally. We also fight against sexist attitudes and behaviors of peers and friends. All this is so we can be united collectively and work shoulder to shoulder as the working class that we are, not divided and fighting among ourselves.

We struggle to change the way we produce and distribute goods and services, to destroy borders and hierarchies, transforming social relations. We are not interested in getting a few women into male-dominated positions in society. Our interest is in destroying all the barriers that keep the whole working class exploited. (See pamphlet “The Communist Fight Against Sexism” (icwpredflag.org/sxse.pdf)

The demonstrations around the world show the strength of the women of the working class. The ICWP unites to fight against capitalism as our main enemy to destroy, to tear down those barriers that hold us back in advancing to our inevitable triumph. We will defeat capitalism and win a better quality of life for all, a life in a communist world. LONG LIVE WORKING WOMEN! LONG LIVE COMMUNISM! LONG LIVE THE ICWP!

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