Nepal: Looking for a True Communist Solution

 Dear Comrades of Red Flag,

I am a bank employee in Kathmandu, Nepal. I have been a reader of Red Flag. I am also in regular contact with the ICWP comrades in India. The recent military conflict between India and Pakistan has given us a platform to talk about communism.

In Nepal, there are many Maoist groups. They are nationalist and defend capitalism, while selling out communism.

We are looking for a true communist solution.

Capitalism will never serve the interests of the working class. Capitalism means crisis, no matter what the bosses say about peace, prosperity, and democracy. Their so-called peace hides brutal violence by the capitalists. The wars for profit are genocide for our class. We cannot be swayed by the false and idealistic propaganda of the bosses.

We need our own strong propaganda based on science and material reality.

No power on earth can stop the irresistible force that is propelling us to choose communism. This force to destroy capitalism requires a unified army of the working class and soldiers led by ICWP.

Let us march united as a class. We have all the power to overcome the obstacles the bosses put in our path to communism. Communism now. Communism forever!

A Comrade in Nepal

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