World’s Major Imperialists Prepare for World War III

Workers Must Prepare to Bury Capitalism with Communist Revolution

Berlin, 1918-1919 Red Soldiers mobilize for revolution

In January, amid escalating tensions with the US, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the Chinese Central Military Commission to prepare for a “comprehensive military struggle.”

Capitalism’s competition for maximum profits makes world war inevitable. China is determined to replace the US as the world’s dominant imperialist power.

That will require expelling the US Navy from the South China Sea, then from the strategic Indian Ocean. To do this, China must break through maritime chokepoints controlled by the US Navy through its Japanese, Philippine and Indonesian allies.

Asian capitalist rulers like to repeat that “in the 21st century the destiny of the world will be decided on its waters.”

That may prove true – for the capitalists. But the future of the laboring people worldwide will be decided by communist industrial workers and soldiers and sailors in a growing International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP).

We need to organize soldiers and sailors, starting now, to turn the guns around against all imperialists and other capitalists. We need to prepare to lead the masses in a communist revolution that will bury capitalism-imperialism forever.

We will build a communist society based on meeting the needs of our working-class family worldwide. A world without borders, nations, racism, sexism or wars for empire. A world guided by the principles of collectivity and cooperation.

US Rulers Mobilize to Confront Challengers

China’s navy has more vessels than any other country. It has two aircraft carriers and is building four nuclear powered ones. It has converted islands and reefs in the South China Sea into military fortresses. It plans to build the world’s deepest submarine base.

No wonder that US imperialists claim that China is their biggest challenger.

Next is Russia. One Russian military expert claims that Russia’s S-500 air defense system, scheduled to be ready by 2025, will give Russia military superiority over the US.

Leading US imperialists seem to believe this.   Also in January, the US Senate Armed Services Committee described the new National Defense Strategy as “a fundamental shift in the orientation of our nation’s armed forces toward great power competition” (instead of the war on terrorism).

It described “China in particular and to a lesser extent Russia” as “by far the most severe threats.” It predicted that, now and going forward, China will equal the US in both conventional and nuclear war.

It emphasized that “the once overwhelming military advantage vis a vis these major powers has eroded and will continue to erode absent overriding focus by the United State and its allies.” The US can only hope to win “limited” wars.

The US imperialists’ “overriding focus” is not only on hardware. The Brookings Institution just issued a report called, “How a focus on national service can unify our divided country.”.

The authors are ex-General McChrystal and Michael E. O’Hanlon, an apologist for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. They advocate a year of service in any capacity. This, they hope, would “increase and diversify the pool of applicants willing to consider a tour in the armed forces.”

At the same time, they are setting the stage for a draft, this time including women. We need to win the troops, women and men, draftees and volunteers, to fight for communism.

Capitalists-Imperialists Depend on Us – Their Grave-Diggers

Both their economic and military power rely on the very class they must exploit and oppress. When industrial workers go on strike, the capitalists’ industries come to a standstill. When transportation workers walk out, whole nations can be paralyzed.

What happens when soldiers and sailors refuse to fight the capitalists’-imperialists’ wars for profits and empire? When they turn the guns on our oppressors, as happened in Russia in 1917? The bosses become history!

These soldiers and sailors – our working-class comrades, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and other relatives – can be won to fight for communism. It’s our job to win them.

We need to understand the imperialists’ plans. We need to prepare by building ICWP collectives in factories, schools, barracks and neighborhoods.

For 500 years the history of capitalism has been one of oppressed masses in constant rebellion. Twice, during and after both world wars, the masses, led by their communist parties, organized revolutions to overthrow capitalism.

Their mistake was to build socialism. This was state capitalism. It perpetuated the money system and capitalist relations of production.

Communist internationalism must be our answer to the bosses’ ideological build-up for World War III.   It would be a deadly mistake to think that electing “peace” candidates could stop the imperialists’ wars.

We must build ICWP worldwide to turn the bosses’ wars into revolution for communist workers’ power.



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