Volume 11, Number 10

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Beirut, Lebanon: Deadly Explosion Calls Us to Prepare for Communist Workers’ Power

Beirut, Lebanon:  Deadly Explosion Calls Us to Prepare for Communist Workers’ Power
Beirut, Lebanon: Deadly Explosion Calls Us to Prepare for Communist Workers’ Power
August 11—Hundreds died and thousands were wounded in a storage-dump explosion in Beirut. Hundreds of thousands lost their homes, their neighborhoods and their work in the blast. T...
From India to Pakistan, Communist Monsoon Will Drown Fascist Capitalism
From India to Pakistan, Communist Monsoon Will Drown Fascist Capitalism
On this page: Striking health care workers want communism ♦ From comrades in Pakistan ♦ Communist monsoon ♦ Striking Health Care Workers: “We Want Communism Now!” ...
El Salvador: Fighting Covid-19 and Capitalism
El Salvador: Fighting Covid-19 and Capitalism
On this page: Fighting disease under communism ♦ Capitalism sacrifices lives ♦ Factory Workers: “COVID-19 Is a Class Issue” "Take Up the Red Flag Against Capital...
Communist Ideas in #BlackLivesMatter Movement
Communist Ideas in #BlackLivesMatter Movement
On this page: "Defund the Police" ♦ 1917 Soviet Youth Looked to Collective ♦ Wage Slavery, the Defining Issue ♦ “Defund the Police” Protestors Welcome Red Flag ...
India, South Africa: Comrades Greet Portland Rebels
India, South Africa: Comrades Greet Portland Rebels
On this page: Letter from South Africa ♦ Letter from India ♦ Comrades in South Africa, India Respond to Report From Comrades in the Streets of Portland, Oregon Comrades in ...
Mobilizing for Communism in the Anti-Racist Movement:  Now’s the Time
Mobilizing for Communism in the Anti-Racist Movement: Now’s the Time
LOS ANGELES (USA) – “US policing grew out of slave patrols. Those only ended by abolishing slavery itself. Can policing today be abolished without ending racist wage slavery?” A c...
The Power Of Land
The Power Of Land
PORT ELIZABETH (South Africa)—South Africa comes from a colonial and Apartheid Era where the working class, particularly the black masses, were forcefully removed from their land. T...
US-China Conflict:  Communist Revolution or World War III
US-China Conflict: Communist Revolution or World War III
“We are confronting the prospect of not just a new cold war, but a hot one,” writes Kevin Rudd, former Australian Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs, August 3).   He warns war could break...
Debate About Science
Debate About Science
On this page: Another view of science ♦ Response #1 ♦ Response #2 ♦ Red Flag thanks readers who have written with criticisms, comments, and stories. We encou...
More Letters to Red Flag
More Letters to Red Flag
On this page: Reform Struggles and Communism ♦ Peterloo Masacre ♦ Participate in Reform Struggles to Spread Communism The letter “Reflections on How to Fight for C...
En Français: Beyrouth, Liban :  Une explosion meurtrière nous appelle à nous préparer au pouvoir des travailleurs communistes
En Français: Beyrouth, Liban : Une explosion meurtrière nous appelle à nous préparer au pouvoir des travailleurs communistes
11 août - Des centaines de personnes sont mortes et des milliers ont été blessées dans l'explosion d'un dépôt de stockage à Beyrouth. Des centaines de milliers de personnes ont pe...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
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E-mail: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
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Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA