Bangladeshi Workers and Youth Protest Anti-Muslim Fascism in India

Protestors in Bangladesh denounce Indian Prime Minister as a terrorist

The official visit of India’s fascist Prime Minister Modi to Bangladesh was ‘postponed’. The official said that due to three cases of Corona Virus, the trip was not possible at this time.

This is a lie. There are massive street demonstrations against the recent killings of Muslims in Delhi. The night before Modi’s proposed arrival, half a million marched in the Bangladeshi capital city of Dhaka.

We have many comrades and friends of ICWP in the garment industry. We are horrified and outraged by the brutal violence against Muslim workers in Delhi. We read all the news from India in Red Flag. We are in communication with the comrades there.

The bosses are extremely scared in India and Bangladesh. We have to form closer relationships with the comrades in India. Communism will get rid of Corona Virus and rulers like Modi.

—Comrades from Bangladesh

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