Oil and Inter-imperialist Conflict in Iran

(Letter to a comrade in the USA)

Thanks for sending Red Flag and keeping in contact with me. It is very inspiring to see the growth of ICWP around the world. It gives us hope that sooner or later communism will triumph and rule the world.

Perhaps no place on the earth displays so vividly and in stark ways the disaster of capitalism, its horrors and irony that its lust for profit is literally genocide of the poor masses.

In Iran we are under punishing sanctions. US imperialism wants to replace the regime. Since they are unable to directly confront Iran, they have decided to starve the masses to death in order to force regime change. We cannot get any medicine; the hospitals turn back seriously ill patients leaving them to die on their own in pain and agony.

Then comes the corona virus. In a country where you cannot buy a simple pill for headache, where the surgeons are forced to perform operations without gloves and without anesthesia, you can imagine the outbreak of corona virus is spreading like wildfire.

We got the news on Friday that Saudi and Russians have declared a price war on oil. The capitalists in Iran will be forced to confront the Saudis to break the oil embargo.

We cannot be victims and remain helpless as capitalists/imperialists prepare for wars for profit. I salute ICWP for giving communist alternatives to the international working class. I enthusiastically distribute electronic copies of Red Flags to my friends and colleagues. I have sent Red Flags to some comrades in Ahvaz where there are many oil workers.

We cordially invite you to Iran.

—A comrade in Iran

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