Volume 11, Number 4

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DELHI, INDIA: Volunteers feed those attacked and abandoned by the fascist Modi government

Coronavirus, Xenophobia and Capitalist Crisis
Coronavirus, Xenophobia and Capitalist Crisis
March 31—Comrades in Los Angeles take communism to car caravan at immigration jail demanding that all detainees be released COVID-19 and Capitalist Contradictions: Racism, X...
Delhi Comrades Bring Food and Communism to the Masses
Delhi Comrades Bring Food and Communism to the Masses
DELHI, INDIA, April 1 —We are vigorously involved in helping and distributing food to the migrants in Delhi who are forced to return to their villages by Modi’s fascist lockdown. Fiv...
Covid-19 and Class Struggle in Aerospace
Covid-19 and Class Struggle in Aerospace
During Boeing Production Suspension, Shelter-In-Place: Workers Ponder Actions, Racism, Xenophobia PUGET SOUND (US), April 7— “Does Boeing management really want us to go bac...
Sailors and Soldiers: Key to Revolution
Sailors and Soldiers: Key to Revolution
Sailors Defy Navy Secretary, Expose US Strategic Weakness April 7— “What the f—-!” defiant sailors shouted on the deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. They were interrupting Acting ...
Fight for Communist Workers’ Power Now!
Fight for Communist Workers’ Power Now!
CHICAGO, USA, April 7 – Solidarity Caravan circles Cook County Jail, site of the largest outbreak of Covid-19 in the US so far, calling for the mass release of detainees. “All of ...
Covid-19 and the Crisis in Education
Covid-19 and the Crisis in Education
Schooling in the Coronavirus Era: What Future Are We Creating Now? LOS ANGELES (USA), April 6 – “Starting to hear about colleges not hiring part-time faculty for the fall and...
Mobilizing for Communism—No Matter What
Mobilizing for Communism—No Matter What
Mobilizing for Communism in Difficult Times: May Day 1992: Defying Martial Law in Los Angeles, USA In the current crisis, actions and demonstrations are supposedly not possible....
El Salvador—Garment Workers in Struggle
El Salvador—Garment Workers in Struggle
In El Salvador, thousands gathered outside a government building in the capital San Salvador Monday to demand the $300 government checks President Nayib Bukele promised to some 1.5...
Letters from USA, Mexico, South Africa
Letters from USA, Mexico, South Africa
March 30—Workers at the General Hospital of Atlacomulco, in the State of Mexico, protest bad conditions and lack of personal protective equipment. Put International Communist W...
Fighting Racism and Nationalism
Fighting Racism and Nationalism
Student Comrade Fights for Anti-Racist Working Class Unity SOUTH AFRICA, March 11—Colleges here went on strike a few weeks back. Recently, an ICWP comrade encountered some members o...
More Letters to Red Flag
More Letters to Red Flag
LOS ANGELES (USA)—Early morning shoppers read ICWP leaflet about Covid-19 and Capitalism. Comrades have twice gone out to grocery stores to put leaflets on car windshields. “Parasite” is a ...
En Français: Les camarades de Delhi apportent de la nourriture et le communisme aux masses
En Français: Les camarades de Delhi apportent de la nourriture et le communisme aux masses
DELHI, INDE, 1er avril - Nous nous engageons vigoureusement dans l'aide et la distribution de nourriture aux migrants de Delhi qui sont contraints de retourner dans leurs villages...
По Русски: Делийские товарищи приносят еду и коммунизм в массы
По Русски: Делийские товарищи приносят еду и коммунизм в массы
Дели, ИНДИЯ, 1 апреля - Мы активно участвуем в оказании помощи и раздаче продуктов питания мигрантам в Дели, которые вынуждены вернуться в свои деревни в результате фашистской блока...