Letters: Communism vs Racism and Nationalism

Transit Worker: Stop Discrimination from Its Root – Capitalism

In these times people are exploring different avenues to find answers on why the U.S. and many other countries are suffering. Red Flag is a perfect answer to those questions and shows the raw disgusting truth of Capitalism at the expense of the working class like you and me.

Co-workers realize that every person that works here at MTA is in their own bubble and when we do not feel the direct negative consequences people become passive to serious issues, such as our pandemic and the protests that are happening around the world. One stated, “I make good money, and some are unemployed, and I still received a stimulus check. That definitely does not seem right.”

These frustrations are making people believe and realize that the government is failing miserably at protecting its people. People are becoming irrational due to the stresses of Capitalism that are placed on the working class. From people saying this Pandemic is not real and to stop all the protests because the economy cannot be delayed from opening.

As for the United States, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supposed to abolish discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This was a way to extinguish the fire burning towards a revolution in the 1960s.

Capitalism’s foundation was built on discrimination and looting that will continue to exist if there is not a drastic change. We are well over 50 years of the Civil Rights Era and nothing has changed, and it is clear Capitalism is failing. Discrimination does not just turn off like a light switch. Reform is not the answer, but a revolution toward Communism is the only way.

I know for a fact that I will not put all my trust in a Capitalist Society that will constantly lie and find ways to blind us from the realities. It feeds on hate and is driven on a greedy monetary system that will kill people of the working class at any cost. The ICWP has taught me that this is not a theory, it’s actual facts and a form of science that shows we are being taken advantage of by the ruthlessness of Capitalism.

I stand with the ICWP for our continued struggle towards communism. Communism is the only way to stop discrimination from the root and to abolish Capitalism for the better of mankind.

Comrade in Los Angeles (USA)

PARIS, FRANCE, 2 JuneTwenty thousand people, mainly youth, defied a government ban to protest the police murders of George Floyd and Adama Traoré. French cops killed Adama inside a police station four years ago. No one has been charged. Adama’s sister declared: “We’re fighting for George, for Adama, for Ibrahima Bah, for Gaye Camara, Babacar Guye, for Angelo Garand… the list is too long!” We are translating more ICWP literature into French to help build our party in France, North Africa and elsewhere.

Communist Revolution Is the Only Way

The leaflet about George Floyd is a great statement. Very painful, on the other hand, what the system has done to the people. The system has no remorse, comrades. It only wants to benefit itself. These capitalists don’t care about the life of human beings. Enslavement of the people so that they work to generate profit while we are hungry and starving.

These people are pure killers. Money is worth more than human beings to them. They don’t care about us. This is very, very bad, comrades. And if you look at all the systems and all the fighting back against the system, they don’t work. Only communist revolution with ICWP works. And we have to convince people.

It is very essential for people to know that ICWP is the only organization that can free the people, that can destroy the capitalist system. I hate this system.

Let’s mobilize the masses for communism, comrades, and free the people. Destroy capitalism and its governments. People must unite for one cause. Communist revolution is the only way. Capitalists will never love us. They love money more than us. And I don’t know how much money they want to have. They are already filthy rich but they still want to get more.

What’s the use of having a billion Rands? Billions are too much for one person, while others are starving. That person will die and leave that money on earth while others starve and die of poverty. The system is not right, comrades.

—Comrades in South Africa

All Capitalist Politicians Attack and Kill Workers

Great article about George Floyd, comrade. Very true! No other can destroy capitalism but communism. The capitalists are taking the masses for a joke. They slave, starve and kill us. They have no remorse for the masses, black and white.   All they are hungry for is maximum profits. They are thieves with a licence to steal and killers with a licence to kill.

George Floyd is just another victim of the system. How many have been killed by the police? President Ramaphosa is killing workers. He and that sellout Mandela killed our hero Chris Hani simply because he wanted to free black people. That Mandela is the worst black leader that ever led black people. He is wicked and evil and knows no good. This government of South Africa is continuing what Mandela died doing, killing black people. Nothing good will come out these politicians who are selfish, who are only concerned with getting rich out of our suffering. People will always suffer as long as they depend on this responsible government.

—Friend in South Africa

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