Rebellions and Protests in Mexico

Guadalajara, Mexico

Rebellion Against Police Brutality and in Solidarity with the US Working Class

Thousands of workers, enraged by police brutality, rebelled on Thursday, June 4 in Guadalajara, Mexico. Geovanny López, a construction worker, was savagely murdered in prison. For many workers, this was the last straw. Tired of living beleaguered by the boss-caused epidemic, workers angrily took to the streets.

The police suffered the wrath of the working class. Workers confronted the uniformed assassins with everything they could, sending several of their executioners to the hospital, some even with burns. The government palace, patrol cars, motorcycles and various businesses were also set on fire.

The rebellion was inspired by the struggle of the US working class against racism. In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the Mexican working class took to the streets. On Friday, June 5, in Mexico City, a protest in front of the US embassy culminated in clashes with the police, leaving the embassy painted with graffiti. Businesses, banks and offices were destroyed and burned in the luxurious Polanco neighborhood.

On Saturday, June 6, another protest was called in Guadalajara, but it was brutally suppressed before it began. Dozens of youths were arrested by plainclothes police and tortured for several hours. Another march is expected this week.

These rebellions are spreading throughout the world. The workers have risen up in struggle, tired of enduring exploitation, racism, police brutality and capitalist lies about the coronavirus. In Mexico, the pandemic has killed thousands of workers and sent millions more into unemployment. The López Obrador government continues with its plans to expand the economy to favor bosses like Carlos Slim and Ricardo Salinas Pliego.

The capitalist system is in crisis. It is the workers who pay with their lives so that the bosses can continue in power, enjoying their profits. Let’s get rid of them. The working class is self-sufficient to govern ourselves. We don’t need the bosses. We need a Communist system. Let’s fight to get it, and end racism, police brutality, and all the evils of capitalism.

We don’t want “justice” for our murdered class brothers and sisters. In the capitalist system, there will never be justice for the working class. They can put the murderers in jail, but tomorrow they will continue killing more workers. The only justice will be to destroy the bosses’ capitalist profit system.

Let’s fight for Communism! Let’s build a better world for all workers!

 Mexico City, in front of the US embassy

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