Volume 12, Number 13

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Young Comrades Spread Communism in India

India: Farmers’ Struggle Against Fascism Escalates
India: Farmers’ Struggle Against Fascism Escalates
Comrades Fight for Communism ♦ No More Fascist Murders ♦ Comrades Fight for Communism as the Only Solution DELHI (India), October 3—The world’s second-largest city ca...
El Salvador: Capitalism Forces Workers to Compete, Communism Unites Us
El Salvador: Capitalism Forces Workers to Compete, Communism Unites Us
EL SALVADOR, September 30—"I feel discouraged and even sick, because I no longer want to work in the maquiladora every day,” said a worker.  “Every day the workplace harassment is mor...
Workers’ Knowledge Versus Bosses’ Experts
Workers’ Knowledge Versus Bosses’ Experts
Communism Will Liberate Workers’ Knowledge to Meet the Masses’ Needs ♦ Nothing Moves Without the Working Class ♦ Communism Will Liberate Workers’ Knowledge to Meet t...
South Africa: Why Communism, Not Socialism
South Africa: Why Communism, Not Socialism
Struggling for Communism, Not Socialism: “It’s a Process” SOUTH AFRICA—A comrade who was part of us briefly said he had “a problem reconciling our political line with his own v...
Fascist Attacks on Haitian Migrants: Workers Need a Communist World
Fascist Attacks on Haitian Migrants: Workers Need a Communist World
Migrant Crisis: Opportunity to Mobilize for Communism ♦ Haiti: Centuries of Struggle Against Racist Imperialism ♦ MEXICO/GUATEMALA, BORDER August 28—-Haitians confr...
Communist Collectivity Will End Capitalist Climate Crisis
Communist Collectivity Will End Capitalist Climate Crisis
Moving Forward While Learning from the Past CALIFORNIA (USA), Sept. 26— “To combat climate change, we really need to listen to the original stewards of this land: indigenous peo...
Soldiers and Sailors: Key to Communist Revolution
Soldiers and Sailors: Key to Communist Revolution
Shifting Imperialist Alliances Lead to Crisis and War ♦ Soldiers, Sailors, and Communism Past and Present ♦ Comrades in South Africa distributing Red Flag to soldiers ...
El Salvador: Communists and Mass Movements
El Salvador: Communists and Mass Movements
Workers: Fight the Whole Capitalist System ♦ Workers March Against Repression ♦ Workers:  Fight the Whole Capitalist System! “Will there be some activity for th...
Letters: Communism and Proletarian Revolution
Letters: Communism and Proletarian Revolution
Previous Letter criticizing banner slogan ♦ In Defence of May Day banner ♦ We are Proletarians Building Communist Revolution ♦ Criticism of Slogan on ICWP El Sa...
Letters to Red Flag-Covid Crisis, Communist Philosophy
Letters to Red Flag-Covid Crisis, Communist Philosophy
Capitalist Governments Create Health Disasters ♦ Disagreements about Dialectical Materialism ♦ Capitalist Governments Create Health Disaster for the Masses In El ...
USA: Bringing Communism to Reformist Women’s Marches
USA: Bringing Communism to Reformist Women’s Marches
Seattle march ♦ Pasadena and LA marches ♦ LOS ANGELES (USA), October 2— “Revolution is in the house!”  called out a friend, spotting a communist poster on a car l...
Vaccinate for Solidarity, not for Bosses' Mandates
Vaccinate for Solidarity, not for Bosses' Mandates
COVID 19: The Rulers Can't Keep Us Safe: Fight for a Communist World Where Workers’ Health Will be #1! USA, October 2— “As a teacher, I am frightened,” wrote a comrade. “Unvacc...

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NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
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Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA