Volume 12, Number 15

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Mobilize the Masses for Communism!

Global Strike Wave:  Opportunity to Spread Communism
Global Strike Wave: Opportunity to Spread Communism
Way Forward to Communism ♦ Labor Contracts Legitimize Wage Slavery ♦ LOS ANGELES (US), 2012—Striking nurse at Kaiser picket line with Red Flag . The Way F...
Poland/Belarus Border Crisis:  Migrants Are Workers, Not Political Footballs
Poland/Belarus Border Crisis: Migrants Are Workers, Not Political Footballs
Poland/Belarus Border Crisis and Key Role of Immigrant Workers ♦ Immigrant Workers’ Strike Sparks Mass Labor Mobilization ♦ Migrants Lobbing Rocks at Polish border guard...
End Caste and Anti-Muslim Violence with Communist Revolution
End Caste and Anti-Muslim Violence with Communist Revolution
End Caste and Anti-Muslim Violence ♦ Fight for Communist Egalitarianism ♦ NEW DELHI (India), November 2— Students at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) defied polic...
Climate Crisis:  Workers Need Communism to Prevail
Climate Crisis: Workers Need Communism to Prevail
Only Communism Can End Climate Crisis ♦ Communism, Not Capitalism Can Solve Climate Crisis ♦ GLASGOW, November 2021: Masses protested imperialists’ useless UN Clima...
Workers Plan International Communist Conference
Workers Plan International Communist Conference
EL SALVADOR, November 16— “We have invited a worker from another factory for the upcoming conference.  With M, we have recently contacted her,” said a worker leader. “L (a woman) a...
Only Communist Revolution Will End Racist Murder
Only Communist Revolution Will End Racist Murder
USA, November 11 — “I do not have much faith in our leaders. Racism is deeply embedded in everything,” a Red Flag reader said about two major trials addressing racist murders of Bl...
Nicaragua Election:  Workers Need Real Communism
Nicaragua Election: Workers Need Real Communism
Nicaragua: Workers need Communism ♦ Russian Revolution ♦ November 16— “We fought in Nicaragua, wanting to implement the model of proletarian internationalism. We did ...
Letters: Fighting Capitalist Medicine and Vaccine Mandates
Letters: Fighting Capitalist Medicine and Vaccine Mandates
Healthcare worker fights division of "mental" and "manual" work ♦ Capitalist mandates backfire ♦ SEATTLE (US), June 2020—Seven thousand healthcare workers and other...
France:  International Communism Will Defeat International Fascism
France: International Communism Will Defeat International Fascism
"For a world without borders!" November 15—France’s fascists have a new poster boy: Eric Zemmour (“zuh-MOOR”), TV personality and columnist for the right-wing rag Le Figaro (“fee-g...
More Letters to Red Flag
More Letters to Red Flag
Communist Work Carries on Despite Covid Lockdowns ♦ Communist Agriculture ♦ Bring Workers Voices into Articles About War ♦ Communist Work Carries on Despite Covid...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
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Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA