Sharpening Inter-Imperialist Conflict: Need Communist Military Work

Only Communist Revolution Can Prevent World War: Let’s Bury Capitalism Before It Buries Many of Us

Capitalism’s laws of development are pushing global capitalism towards one of its never- ending cycles of economic depression, fascism and bigger wars leading to World War III.

China’s rise can’t avoid this process and accelerates it. Capitalism produces for profits, which can only be realized when commodities are sold. This makes market share a question of life or death for the capitalist-imperialists. It makes wars to defend or increase market share inevitable.

Only communist revolution can end this. Communism will eliminate nations and borders. Communism – without money or wage slavery–will collectively plan and produce only for workers’ needs. Nothing will be sold or bought, including our labor power. This will eliminate competition and war.

Meanwhile, however, capitalism rules the world and is deciding our future.

1917 Russian Revolution Took Place Amidst World War I

The Bolshevik (communist) party had sent wave after wave of young communists into the Russian army for twenty years. They won others by patiently developing political social relations. When the time came, they could lead masses of soldiers to turn their guns around, overthrow the capitalist Kerensky government and put the working class in power. They took Russia out of the world war.

Imperialists elsewhere feared that this historic accomplishment would inspire soldiers in their armed forces and workers in their own countries to do the same. The Russian Tsar’s former imperialist allies formed a coalition to invade the new Soviet Union. Their goal: “to strangle the infant (workers’ state) in the cradle.” They failed miserably.

However, the Bolsheviks established socialism, not communism. This was state capitalism, and eventually developed into full-blown Russian imperialism.

Is Communist Armed Insurrection Possible Before World War III Breaks Out?

Let’s not be lulled into believing the rulers will not use nuclear weapons in their coming wars. We should also never believe that the working class will accept this passively.

We think that hundreds of millions will rise up against World War III. But what will they fight for? Some so-called “lesser-evil” imperialist? An impossible return to a “peaceful” capitalism? Or for communism, to end capitalism and its wars forever?

That depends on what our Party does now. In many countries – from Myanmar to Mexico, from India to South Africa, from Lebanon to the US– the masses increasingly can’t live in the old way and neither can the rulers rule in the old way. The masses are in motion against capitalism’s attacks.

What is missing? The indispensable condition of a mass International Communist Workers’ Party which has won broader masses – especially industrial workers, soldiers, sailors and youth –to fight for communism and nothing else.

Build Communist Relationships with Soldiers and Communist Military Collectives

In India, a mass movement of millions supported over a million farmers fighting to keep their land. Masses of workers and youth, including ICWP comrades, participated daily in this struggle.

Soldiers speaking out in Delhi – claiming to represent soldiers stationed at the Indian-Pakistani-Chinese borders, and supported by soldiers all over India – sent a clear message to fascist Prime Minister Modi: “If our parents (the farmers) are massacred, we will march on Delhi.”

This shows the potential to win masses of Indian soldiers to turn their guns around and fight for communism. ICWP comrades in India are working with soldiers and youth (and farmers, their parents) whose only chance of survival is to join the army.

Our pledge: We’ll fight to prevent workers in India or anywhere from being cannon fodder for any capitalist-imperialist war! We will mobilize them to fight for communism and nothing less.

The sharpening inter-imperialist rivalry, accelerating the rulers’ drive to world war, should convince comrades worldwide to see the urgency of our communist military work. We must patiently develop the communist social relations with soldiers and youth to win them to fight for communism.

Comrades in South Africa have plans to expand their military work under the leadership of a newly-formed collective organized around it. “In the past, our lack of coordination was a main problem,” explained a leading comrade. “Overcoming the challenges we had in the past, I believe, will go a long way to expand our base in the military.”

This comrade has friends in the army at two bases, and a sister who lives near another. “We will focus our efforts on these bases,” he continued. “We need to be consistent with the people we know.” The new collective plans to distribute Red Flag and their May Day leaflet door-to-door in neighborhoods near these bases.

More areas must follow their lead. A breakthrough among soldiers would change history in our favor. Victory will be ours!

Read our pamphlet:

“Soldiers, Sailors, Marines:

Crucial to a Communist Workers’ Revolution”

Available here

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