Volume 12, Number 7

(Sitio en Español aquí)

BRAZIL, May 29 — Thousands in Rio de Janeiro and other cities denounce President Bolsonaro’s racist, anti-scientific Covid policies that have killed and put at risk Brazilians, especially Black workers and youth.

Post May Day Forum Highlights Plans to Grow ICWP Everywhere
Post May Day Forum Highlights Plans to Grow ICWP Everywhere
Forum sparks growth ♦ Factory Workers inspired by forum ♦ New Comrade in South Africa ♦ Comrades in Canada ♦ Comrades in El Salvador ♦ SAN SALVADOR,...
Party Clubs Let Us Glimpse Our Communist Future
Party Clubs Let Us Glimpse Our Communist Future
Strong party clubs are crucial to the fight for communism. They embody the collectives that will be the basic unit of communist society—a society where we aren’t workers and bosses, or ...
South Africa: Young Comrades Build Communist Collectives
South Africa: Young Comrades Build Communist Collectives
Growing the Collective ♦ Dialectical Materialism ♦ Making Plans to Advance ♦ Growing Communist Collective in South Africa: “Either We Perish, or We Fight f...
India: Communist Struggle Against Anti-Science Fascism and Capitalist Science
India: Communist Struggle Against Anti-Science Fascism and Capitalist Science
INDIA, April 18—Amritsar farmers protest government agriculture reforms Communist Struggle Will End Both Capitalist Science and Religious Anti-Science of Profit-Hungry Bosses ...
Pakistan: New Members Mobilize for Communism
Pakistan: New Members Mobilize for Communism
New Comrades in Pakistan Make Plans to Build ICWP Greetings from a Comrade in Pakistan ! I’m a leftist, a rights activist, a theatre artist and by profession I’m a teacher. It’...
Communist Revolution Will End Imperialist Competition and World War
Communist Revolution Will End Imperialist Competition and World War
Chinese and Russian Imperialist Expansion in El Salvador ♦ Are US and China headed to WWIII? ♦ Chinese and Russian Imperialist Plans for Expansion in El Salvador ...
Nationalism and Religion: Dead Ends for Palestine Rebellion
Nationalism and Religion: Dead Ends for Palestine Rebellion
Masses Need Communism ♦ Bringing Communist Ideas to Palestinian Protest in South Africa ♦ HEBRON (Palestine), May 18 —Masses in the West Bank protest continued Israe...
Letters: Building a Truly Collective Communist Party
Letters: Building a Truly Collective Communist Party
Building a Truly Collective Communist Party ♦ Everyone’s Contribution Valued ♦ From Each according to Commitment and Ability ♦ Building a Truly Collective Communi...
Columbia: Courageous Masses Need Revolution and  Communism.
Columbia: Courageous Masses Need Revolution and Communism.
CALI, COLOMBIA —Protests target the Escuadron Móvil Antidisturbios—the murderous anti-riot squad. Huge demonstrations were organized on Friday, May 28 throughout the country. They...

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E-mail: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
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