Columbia: Courageous Masses Need Revolution and Communism.

CALI, COLOMBIAProtests target the Escuadron Móvil Antidisturbios—the murderous anti-riot squad. Huge demonstrations were organized on Friday, May 28 throughout the country. They were viciously attacked by the police. In Cali alone, the police killed 13 protesters on Friday.

The President ordered the army to Cali on Saturday to try to quell further protests. But the masses continue mobilizing in the streets, defying the bosses’ terror.

52% of Cali’s residents are Black. It has the second largest Black population of any city in Latin America. Colombia has the third largest Black population in the hemisphere after the US and Brazil. The Colombian rulers’ racist oppression and mass terror have steeled these workers in battle against their oppressors. Cali is the epicenter of this gigantic struggle.

Masses of Black workers are taking leadership in the protest against racist capitalism’s attacks. But the rebellion is not consciously against racist capitalism or for communism. Racism is the point of the spear of capitalism’s attacks on all workers. Racism and capitalism were born together and must be ended together.

This mass fight shows the potential to unite workers in Colombia for communist revolution, the only way to end poverty, exploitation, racism and police terror. We invite Red Flag readers in Colombia and elsewhere to join ICWP to mobilize the courageous masses for revolution and communism.

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