India: Communist Struggle Against Anti-Science Fascism and Capitalist Science

INDIA, April 18—Amritsar farmers protest government agriculture reforms

Communist Struggle Will End Both Capitalist Science and Religious Anti-Science of Profit-Hungry Bosses

BENGALURU (India), May 25— “We say farewell to comrade Bai, her life is a tribute to us all. Born to a poor family, she reached out to help everyone,” said a young man who distributes Red Flag. “Neighbours knew her friendly smile. She was attracted to communism. We say goodbye to her, remembering that our struggle will continue until the billionaire bosses and their system are finished.”

The struggle of our garment workers’ collective to build communism has spread widely among the masses. We are continuing to distribute our poster “Break the Chain, the chain of capitalism”. It has got a huge response among the masses.

Many of our neighbours, friends and family members are affected by Covid-19.

This astonishing surge in covid cases is due to two reasons. On the one hand, Modi and his fascists have been promoting a blatantly unscientific outlook to cure the coronavirus. One multi-billionaire supporter of Modi promotes a coronavirus cure. Everything from multivitamins to cow urine is supposed to cure it and is sold on Amazon.

Then, some ultra-fascist believers say that if a person has faith in Modi, they will not get coronavirus. Many of them went to a religious ceremony lasting two weeks. Over ten million of them attended without any mask, creating a super-spreader event. Modi and his political opponents openly campaigned for state elections, bringing millions to public gatherings, putting even more millions at risk.

But the biggest danger is capitalist-controlled science. The coronavirus vaccination was funded and promoted by multinationals who were solely interested in making maximum profits from it. Their distribution system continues maximizing profit by exploiting national and racial boundaries.

Workers are beginning to see the hypocrisy of both unscientific cures and capitalist science that make profit the primary motive. In our neighbourhood, many comrades have saved numerous victims by providing very basic life-saving techniques. If masses of people are won to communism, we will put science in the hands of the workers.

We will free science from the clutches of profit-makers. That will create new ways of stopping the spread of coronavirus and curing it.

But our struggle to reach that stage will inevitably create a tremendous fight. The bosses will fight us with all their might. We have to be equally determined.

Red Flag readers are beginning to form smaller collectives because of the restrictions of Covid-19. We are fulfilling the aspiration of these angry masses because they now realize that only the communist struggle will bring an end to the pandemic.

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