Pakistan: New Members Mobilize for Communism

New Comrades in Pakistan Make Plans to Build ICWP

Greetings from a Comrade in Pakistan! Iā€™m a leftist, a rights activist, a theatre artist and by profession Iā€™m a teacher. Itā€™s been a while that I was working with a socialist party in Pakistan but recently, I have joined ICWP. I believe this party is going to unite all the comrades across the globe. Itā€™s the only international party which is not having borders and any comrade across the world could be its member.

I want to see our society as a classless society, and it would only be possible through Communism. And we have to struggle to get our desired goals of communism.

Nation-states are byproducts of imperialism, and they are all governed by the bourgeois class. Itā€™s time we unite workers and youth to be the part of this struggle.

I suggest we should engage with youth and make them realize the hazards of capitalism. If youth join us, then this world would see Red Flag everywhere.

Now the question arises: How will I contribute to the building of ICWP? Well, honestly, Iā€™ll try my level best to convey ICWPā€™s message to the masses through leaflets and pamphlets. Iā€™ll have study circles. Group discussions. Workshops, seminars and through theatre. These are the services I could offer to the party. Red Salute!

New comrade in Pakistan

Comrades, itā€™s a great honor to be part of you. To fulfill the great historical task of the overthrow of the neo-liberal imperialist world order. And to establish world communist society, where all forms of oppression will be abolished. This task has been bestowed on us. We are very lucky that history has chosen us for this greatest cause: liberating humankind from imperialist bondage and barbarity!

Our partyā€™s revolutionary organ, the RED FLAG, has an exceptional role in the struggle to build the party and revolution. Our revolutionary history proves this. Its main task is to help overcome ideological disorder, and organizational fragmentation. It should free the communists from the influence of opportunist elements. And give direction to the spontaneous workersā€™ movement around the principles of revolutionary Marxism.

In building the party and organizing the revolutionary movement, RED FLAG has an outstanding role to play. Our historical goals should be clearly expressed in the paper. It should promote a militant revolutionary spirit, defending revolutionary Marxist theory against every sort of opportunism. It should steadfastly and consistently bring communist consciousness to the working masses and conduct a principled struggle against bourgeois liberalism and the petty bourgeois revolutionism. It should be our ideological and organizational weapon.

Consistent practice of the principle of Communist organization, spirit, fidelity to communist theory, and close contact with the masses should be applied to our RED FLAG.

It propagandizes and explains the Program and Rules of the International Communist Workersā€™ Party (ICWP) and the most important propositions of communist theory. It educates the masses in the spirit of proletarian internationalism.

But in Leninā€™s words: ā€œThe role of a newspaper, however, is not limited solely to the dissemination of ideas, to political education, and to the enlistment of political allies. A newspaper is not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator; it is also a collective organiser.ā€ (Lenin: Where to Begin)

Hence, we have to convert it into a militant collective organiser.

Experienced communist revolutionaries are assigned to this difficult and responsible work. Indeed, itā€™s a difficult task but we have to fulfill it with our revolutionary commitment.

Our Plans

We have a plan here in Pakistan to translate our party newspaper in our local languages. This means that we have to do a hard work. We have to generate resources to materialise that plan. We have to do a great deal of work to organize a comprehensive network of correspondents (writers) for the RED FLAG.

We have to deal with the problems of distributing it here, to form groups to distribute the copies among the masses as well as political workers. A network of distributors needs to be formed, to distribute the RED FLAG among the toiling masses, send news reports to the editorial board, and organize support groups.

Thanks very much and Lal salam (Red salute) comrades.

Down with enemies of the peoples!

Down with neo-liberal imperialist slavery!

Long live peoplesā€™ struggle.

Long live world communist revolution.

With communist regards,

A Comrade

Front page of this issue