Volume 13, Number 5

Previous Articles on Ukraine Crisis hereSitio en Español aquí 

 March on May Day to Mobilize Masses for Communism 

Communist Revolution: How Workers Will Win Class War
Communist Revolution: How Workers Will Win Class War
End the Capitalists’ War on the Working Class: March on May Day for Communist Revolution The history of capitalism is the history of war against the working class. Everywhere, b...
Workers of the World, Unite! No Nations, No Borders!
Workers of the World, Unite! No Nations, No Borders!
April 16— Hundreds march in Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA) to protest the brutal cold-blooded police murder of Congolese refugee Patrick Lyoya, the oldest son of a family that fled f...
India General Strike: Opportunity to Build the ICWP
India General Strike: Opportunity to Build the ICWP
India General Strike: ICWP Comrades Spread Communist Ideas and Prepare for May Day ♦ “A single spark can start a prairie fire” ♦ India General Strike: ICWP Comrade...
Fighting Fascism: El Salvador to Palestine
Fighting Fascism: El Salvador to Palestine
El Salvador Sweatshops: Communist workers plan collective response to Bosses’ attacks ♦   Al Aqsa Attack ♦ Gaza, April 15: Protest against Israeli Police attack on Al ...
USA: High School Organizing Builds Communist Work Among Soldiers
USA: High School Organizing Builds Communist Work Among Soldiers
High School Students Distribute Communist Leaflet on Ukraine Crisis ♦ Military Recruiters in US High Schools ♦ “I Became a Communist in High School. Then I joined the U...
NATO-Russia War in Ukraine. There Are No Good Imperialists
NATO-Russia War in Ukraine. There Are No Good Imperialists
Choose Communist Revolution, Not Imperialist War! ♦ Greek Workers Block NATO Delivery ♦ Workers, Soldiers, Youth:  Choose Communist Revolution, Not Imperialist War!...
Communism Can Reverse Capitalist Climate Crisis
Communism Can Reverse Capitalist Climate Crisis
To Reverse the Climate Crisis: Mobilize the Masses for Communism ♦ They Took Everything From Us, Except Communist Ideas ♦ To Reverse the Climate Crisis: Mobilize the...
Building Forces for Communism: Not Trade Union Reformism
Building Forces for Communism: Not Trade Union Reformism
Standing with Amazon, Boeing Workers ♦ Communist Ideas Win Workers to Reject Reform ♦ Standing with Amazon, Boeing Workers: Building Forces for Communist Revolution ...
Abolish Wage Slavery to End Hunger, Racism and Sexism
Abolish Wage Slavery to End Hunger, Racism and Sexism
Korean child care workers on strike over working conditions Communism Will End Hunger, Exploitation, and Sexism USA, April 18— Nearly one in three people in the world did n...

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