Volume 14, Number 11

August 23- September 13, 2023   Sitio en Español aquí 

New Leaflet: Strike Against Wage Slavery! Fight for the Communist World We Need

Chicago, USA: Loretto Hospital workers on strike, July 31, 2023

Bangalore, India: Garment Workers Answer Growing Fascism by Expanding Communist Work
Bangalore, India: Garment Workers Answer Growing Fascism by Expanding Communist Work
BENGALURU (India), August 21— “TV news was flashing nonstop, showing hundreds of houses and shops belonging to Muslims that were bulldozed by the fascist BJP government,” said Sangi...
Gqeberha, South Africa:  Communists Plan Revolutionary Toyi Toyi Protest Dance
Gqeberha, South Africa: Communists Plan Revolutionary Toyi Toyi Protest Dance
No Quick Fix to Capitalist Misery GQEBERHA (South Africa), August 21— We met five workers during our regular Red Flag distribution. We offered them the Red Fla g. We told t...
El Salvador: Defy Bosses’ Fascism, Organize for Communism
El Salvador: Defy Bosses’ Fascism, Organize for Communism
Only Communist Revolution Will End Capitalist Repression ♦ Collective Necessity Overcomes Individualism ♦ Red Flag Opened My Eyes ♦ Opportunity to Present Commu...
Seattle, USA:  ICWP in the Continuing Anti-Imperialist Fight
Seattle, USA: ICWP in the Continuing Anti-Imperialist Fight
Communist Work in the “No to APEC” Movement ♦ Fighting for Revolution and a Communist World ♦ Communist Work in the “No to APEC” Movement: Need Patience, Perseveranc...
USA Strike Wave: Communists in the Class Struggle
USA Strike Wave: Communists in the Class Struggle
Strike Against Wage Slavery, Fight for Communist World ♦ Are Strikes a Solution? ♦ LA City Workers Welcome Red Flag ♦ Strike Against Wage Slavery: Fight for t...
60th Anniversary of the Fascist Coup in Chile: Lessons for Today
60th Anniversary of the Fascist Coup in Chile: Lessons for Today
Soldiers demonstrate for communism, Russia, October 1917 Elections or Insurrection? Socialism or Communism? Lessons of the 1973 Fascist US-Sponsored Coup in Chile August...
Unite as the Working Class-Don’t Fall for Capitalists’ Divisions
Unite as the Working Class-Don’t Fall for Capitalists’ Divisions
“Race” Divides Us, What Unites us? ♦ Capitalism Uses Identity Politics to Prevent Working Class Unity ♦ “Race” Divides Us, What Unites Us? Getting our first job i...
Niger Crisis Raises Threat of US-Russia Proxy War
Niger Crisis Raises Threat of US-Russia Proxy War
Masses Have Nothing to Gain from Russian Imperialismm ♦ “Lesser-Evil” Imperialists ♦ Niger Crisis: Masses Have Nothing to Gain from Russian Imperialism’s Rise in A...
Maui Wildfires: Workers Power Must Solve Capitalism’s Environmental Disasters
Maui Wildfires: Workers Power Must Solve Capitalism’s Environmental Disasters
Maui Wildfire: Capitalist Disaster ♦ The History of the Earth and the Future of Communism ♦ Maui County gas workers on strike, August 22, 2023 Maui Wildfire:  Capi...
Young Communists Study Philosophy, Analyze Imperialist Conflicts
Young Communists Study Philosophy, Analyze Imperialist Conflicts
Study Group on Quantity into Quality ♦ Workers’ Revolutionary Solidarity Key ♦ Study Group on Dialectical Materialism:  Quantity into Quality Quantity is measur...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA