As Mideast War Widens, the Need and Potential to Organize in the Military Increases

Expanding War in the Middle East here ♦ Organizing for Communism in the Military: Necessary and Possible here ♦ ICWP Conference: We Have a World to Win here ♦

Expanding War in Mideast: Communist Organizing Ever More Urgent

January 3—Over 22,000 Gazan workers and children are known dead, with uncounted numbers buried in rubble. Eighty-five percent of Gazans are refugees.

Five thousand Palestinians were arrested in the West Bank since October 7 and over 320 killed by Israeli troops and settlers. Many more had to flee. Over 1,000 Israelis dead.

Imperialist butchery justified by Zionism’s fascist lies!

And it’s getting more dangerous daily.

An Israeli strike on January 1 kills a senior Iranian officer in Syria. Iran vows to retaliate against Israel – or the US.

Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen attack commercial ships in the Red Sea. The US Navy responds by sinking three Houthi ships, killing all on board.

Israeli forces assassinate a Hamas leader and six others in Beirut, Lebanon in a drone attack.

Today, two bombs kill at least 103 Iranians in a procession marking the fourth anniversary of the US assassination of Iranian general Soleimani. Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei promises a “harsh response.”

On one side:  Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi partners with quiet support from Russia and China. On the other: an increasingly isolated Israel and the US.

Will this be the trigger for full-scale World War III? Nobody knows whether it will be this or a Taiwan crisis or something else, but it’s coming.

We can only defeat imperialist war and butchery with communist revolution. We need to prepare for that now.

Organizing for Communism in the Military: Necessary and Possible

I recently attended an international party meeting where a US Army veteran comrade gave an excellent report about his accomplishment in organizing in the military. He followed it with a presentation about the Israel/Palestine conflict.

The comrade mentioned the possibility of organizing soldiers in Hamas’s armies and soldiers in the Israeli Army with our communist politics. I just want to say that this is absolutely possible. In fact, it will always be a necessity to organize inside the armies of all capitalists around the world, including the US military. Organizing in the barracks is difficult, but it is possible.

I remember the first time I told my roommate in the US Army barracks that I was a communist. Every day we would have breakfast at the mess hall. After many political conversations and breakfasts (and because we were roommates) I finally told him I was communist. He started reading our literature, and the relationship went to a higher level.

After this moment, I was more confident to talk about communism with other buddies in my unit and friends. By the end of the year, with the help of our party’s military collective, we were able to fly three of my soldier friends to the May Day March in Washington DC.

If this is possible, we can infiltrate other armies. ICWP has a rich history of organizing in the military. We continue to organize soldiers today.

During this international meeting, I also learned that comrades in South Africa are strategically politicizing and organizing their military friends. This is truly inspiring because the reality is that it will take an international Red Army to destroy capitalism once and for all.

Who makes up the military? Soldiers are the sons and daughters of the working class. It is these soldiers that are trained to operate their machines and shoot their weapons. Clearly it is possible for working class soldiers to turn the guns around for communist revolution.

—Red Army Veteran

ICWP Conference: “We have a world to win!”

We have come to the end of another year of struggles and victories. One victory is the recent international conference. It was a success and there was a lot of political growth. We workers and students were present to develop and do better work that allows us to expand the line of the International Communist Workers’ Party.

We want to congratulate the comrades who, with experience and practice, showed us that it is possible to achieve a communist world.

The military report caught my attention and that of the group, as I could see. The report clarified what we have discussed in the collectives about the need to organize in the army.

Listening to the young man’s personal experience was important. But the most important thing was the commitment to follow the ICWP line. I could see how other comrades identified with this experience. In conversations after the meeting, they also expressed their experiences to me and how useful military knowledge can be.

The working class of the maquilas showed interest in being in a cadre school like this.

Well, we clearly understand that by organizing in the Party we do not lose anything. On the contrary, the chains of slavery will end. We had thought that this is how it would be. Now we will continue organizing to participate in the communist May Day march. Long Live the International Working Class!

We have a world to win.

Long live ICWP.

Comrade in Struggle

Read Our Pamphlet:

“Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines: Crucial to Communist Revolution,” here

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