Volume 15, Number 1

January 24 to February 14, 2024  Sitio en Español aquí.

NEW: Leaflet on California State University Strike Sellout here

Communism, Not Democracy, Will Defeat Fascism

 LOS ANGELES (USA), January 20 – Poster in Spanish says “Stop the Genocide in Gaza with Communist Revolution Everywhere.” 

Forging Communist Unity of Immigrant and Citizen Workers and Soldiers
Forging Communist Unity of Immigrant and Citizen Workers and Soldiers
Forging Communist Unity ♦ Capitalism Kills ♦ Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in cities throughout France on Sunday, January 21 against a new racist immigration law...
Mobilizing for Communism on the Job
Mobilizing for Communism on the Job
Auto workers in India organize ♦  ICWP Expands ♦ How to talk about communism on the job ♦ Auto Workers in India Organize: March on May Day to End Wage Slavery and Imp...
International  Conference Builds ICWP
International Conference Builds ICWP
Maquilla Workers Lead International Conference ♦ Women Communist Leaders Step Up ♦ Collective Experience ♦ We have a World to Win ♦ Women and Men Maquila Workers...
Why Workers Need Communist Philosophy
Why Workers Need Communist Philosophy
Communist Philosophy is Dialectical Materialist Philosophy, Not Idealism EL SALVADOR— “The boss tells the workers, ‘Work hard, much harder. Work overtime and you’ll earn a lot of ...
Communism, Not Democracy, Will Defeat Fascism
Communism, Not Democracy, Will Defeat Fascism
Neither Fascism nor Democracy: Communism ♦ Elections in Guatemala: Masses Need Communism ♦ Indigenous protest in Guatemala Neither Fascism nor Democracy: Fight for...
Soldiers and Sailors: Key for Communist Revolution
Soldiers and Sailors: Key for Communist Revolution
Soldiers: Key for Communist Revolution ♦ Israeli Refuseniks Should Fight for the Working Class ♦ The  rebellion on the battleship Potemkin, led by revolutionary sailors, play...
Working Class Unity for Communist Revolution will Defeat Racism
Working Class Unity for Communist Revolution will Defeat Racism
Loose Bolts Shake Open Door to Racist Attacks ♦ Comrade and Striker Share Experiences ♦ NORTHERN IRELAND, January 18— Over 150,000 public workers walked out in the large...
Zionism, Imperialism and Weapons Production
Zionism, Imperialism and Weapons Production
Zionism: Fascist Imperialist Creation, Part II ♦ Weapons Producers Profit from Gaza Genocide ♦ AGUADILLA (Puerto Rico), January 15. "Zionism is Fascism. Communism is ...
Harvard:  Zionism, “Diversity,” and Imperialist Contradictions
Harvard: Zionism, “Diversity,” and Imperialist Contradictions
HAIFA (Israel), January 20 – Hundreds of Jewish and Palestinian Israelis demonstrated against the genocide in Gaza. Poster says “Only Peace Will Bring Security” in Hebrew and Arabic. There...
Movie Reviews: “Flower Moon,” “ Leave the World Behind”
Movie Reviews: “Flower Moon,” “ Leave the World Behind”
“Killers of the Flower Moon" Whitewashes Racism Against Native Americans ♦ Leave the World Behind—Or Leave Capitalism Behind ♦ NEW YORK CITY, October 2023—Indigenous youths jo...
Letters: Capitalist Schools, Identity Politics
Letters: Capitalist Schools, Identity Politics
Capitalist Schools: Dangerous for International Working-Class ♦ We are One International Working-Class ♦ Left-wing students and workers in China used “big character poste...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA