Learn from the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia!

This Fall marks the 100th anniversary of the 1917 communist-led revolution in Russia (October 25 Old Style/November 7 New Style).   This was a monumental event in the history of our class and our movement. We have so much to learn from its successes, its shortcomings, and its fatal errors.

We call on all collectives of the International Communist Workers’ Party, and all Red Flag readers, to organize study groups, dinners, public forums, rallies and other events to promote the broadest and deepest possible understanding of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Let’s inspire masses to join and strengthen our communist work among workers, youth, and especially among soldiers and sailors! Let’s use this history to grasp more firmly the meaning and power of our slogan “Mobilize the Masses for Communism!”


*Read and discuss the Red Flag articles about the Russian Revolution and the ICWP manifesto Mobilize the Masses for Communism (available at icwpredflag.org).

*Write letters or articles for Red Flag about your discussions or your questions.

*Plan events at your school, workplace, or neighborhood.

*Watch for our “recommended reading” lists – available soon.

*Join and build the International Communist Workers’ Party

All Power to the International Working Class! Fight for Communism!

Front page of this issue