South Africa ANC Conference: Workers Need Communism

The ruling class in South Africa is fighting with each other over who gets to exploit the working class now and in the future.

Last weekend marked the African National Congress’ (ANC) policy conference where they discussed the party’s way forward. It was marked by their internal fighting about who gets to be next President, and the so-called state capture by the Gupta family.

Most people are living in poverty; they cannot even manage to get their basic human needs met. Most of them tend to blame Zuma or the ruling ANC as the source of the problem. But the real problem is capitalism, which needs to be overthrown by workers’ revolutions worldwide.

Even if the ANC was not in power, we would still be in the same position we are in as long as capitalism and its apologists exist. South African workers and the masses as a whole suffer the same problems as other workers around the world, from India, the USA, El Salvador, Mexico, etc. And these countries do not have Zuma or the ANC as the ruling class but they all have capitalism as the economic system.

Capitalist political parties are not going to improve anyone’s life except their own and the masters they serve. Voting and siding with them is suicidal to say the least.

Hence we do not need them. Workers need themselves. They need a party that fights to meet their needs where they determine what those needs are, a party that will free them from being wage slaves. Workers need themselves to abolish capitalism, which enslaves them. The workers and the masses do not need anyone that will not abolish capitalism. The working class does not need a world where they work for somebody else so that he or she can profit from workers’ hard work.

Certainly in South Africa we do not need the ANC with its opportunist rhetoric about the so-called “Radical Economic Transformation” or the need to fight “White Monopoly Capital.” We need to fight every capitalist, regardless of their skin color.

Certainly we do not need the so-called opposition parties who keep making noise about the capture of the government by the “Rich guy,” when in fact even they themselves are financed and backed by the “Rich Guy.”

The fact is that these electoral parties are all on one side: the one that is opposite and against the working class. They all side with the rich, ruling minority. They all advocate the exploitation of the masses by the rich (capitalists). These parties are only fighting to control more. As their economic system fails, they are all trying to grab as much as they can get. They are stealing the value we produce and our very lives.

We do not need them. In fact we need to destroy them and their capitalist system.

We invite workers here in South Africa and all over the world to join ICWP and struggle for a better future free of exploitation, a communist world where sharing and cooperation are the order of the day.

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