FIGHT FOR COMMUNISM!International Communist Workers Party | |
"Obama wants to help but they won't let him," said a participant in a conversation between a group of garment workers at Atomic Denim and a Red Flag distributor.
"Obama doesn't want to help anyone. His Immigration Reform is to increase the super-exploitation of undocumented workers," replied the Red Flag distributor.
"But, it has some good aspects. For example, people will be able to travel to see their families who they haven't seen for years," interrupted another worker. Turning to a third worker, he asked "You, for instance, how many years since you last you saw your mother?"
"It has been twenty years," replied that worker,
"You see," said the worker who asked the question, "Half a loaf is better than none."
"Half a loaf is better than none" is not good enough for the working class!
Contrary to what capitalism teaches us, our working class is the most important class in society. We produce and transport all that society needs to survive, and provide all of its services: education, health, cleaning, etc. Without us, nothing gets done.
The bosses are portrayed as smart, hardworking and noble people, without whom we can't live. But the opposite is true: they can't live without us. They are parasites feeding off our labor, stealing most of the value we produce .
Ancient Slavery Versus Modern or Wage Slavery
Ancient slaves knew that they didn't need their master, that he lived off them and was their bitter enemy. They constantly fought to get rid of their masters and of slavery.
Modern slavery is wage slavery, which chains us to the bosses. Daily, for a given time we must sell ourselves to them. During that time, like ancient slaves, we have to obey the master's command. Disobeying in ancient times meant the whip, or death; today it means unemployment, poverty and hunger.
Unlike former slaves, we do not have only one master. This creates the illusion that we are free: "free" to change jobs and bosses when we "wish." But, we always end up selling ourselves to a boss. Thus, we "belong" to the entire capitalist class.
Only with Communist Revolution Can We End Wage Slavery
The bosses enslave us because they own the means of production land, mines, factories, etc. They also have their state courts, police, army to protect this "private property" and beat us into submission, if we rebel.
We need a communist revolution to destroy the bosses, their money, state, and all their divisive antiworker ideologies. We will then produce to collectively meet the needs of our international working class.
Our historical role is to abolish all social classes, the basis of humans exploiting humans. Under communism, we will be free workers producing and deciding collectively how to distribute everything according to need.
We will end the capitalists' curse of "let us exploit you or starve to death." nobody, even if they don't work, will be denied the essentials for a dignified life. We will, however, struggle for everyone to contribute according to their ability and commitment.
We'll eliminate all borders and racist immigration laws, which serve to divide and super-exploit us. The world will again belong to humanity, not to a handful of capitalist-imperialists. no one will be forced to leave families and friends
to in pursuit of a job or a "better life." Without borders or money, we will travel anywhere and always be welcomed.
Obama's Immigration Reform: An Inferno for Our Class
Us capitalists are fiercely attacking citizens and "legal" resident workers with drastic cuts in wages and benefits. They need this to better compete in global markets and rebuild their industrial base for future wars, including World War.
Obama's Immigration Reform is to advance this goal by further super-exploiting undocumented workers and recruiting undocumented youth for war. Before becoming able to apply for a green card, these workers will have to toil continuously for a minimum of ten years. Before applying for citizenship, most undocumented youth will have to serve four or more years in the military.
Being unemployed more than two months could mean deportation. This will impose slave-like conditions on these workers, which the bosses will use to further attack all other workers. As for the undocumented youth, the Pentagon can double to eight years the time it will force them to bleed and die in Us imperialist wars.
"A half of loaf is better than none" always ends in an inferno for our class. The bosses' system separates us from our families. now, we're supposed to be grateful that we might get to see them again after being absent ten, twenty or more years. It is time for us to learn that "nothing is good enough for our class, except communism." Let's join ICWP and fight for it.
Los AngeLes, June 22 –MTA workers’ simmering anger against MTA’s hideous reign of terror is beginning to spill over. Realizing that neither the UTU nor the “new” union SMART will help them, the operators are taking concrete steps to fight the company’s fascist onslaught. Last week, while we were distributing about 800 Red Flags at 7 MTA divisions, operators told us of plans for collective actions to protest MTA’s latest arbitrary enforcement of petty rules. “The reason?” we asked. “The company hired too many operators, who get paid whether they work or not. Their starting salary is little more than a third that of a tier-one and one half that of a tier-two operator. suspendinghigher-paid drivers for ‘violating’ these rules, MTA solves its payroll problem, saves money and makes the future firing of these operators easier,” explained an operator.
ICWP Applauds the Fighting
Spirit of These Operators
Whether or not these actions were successful, the important thing is that workers are breaking with the bosses’ treacherous union officials and are willing to fight.
Mistakes will be made, but workers always learn from them to improve and move forward. some workers will become informants, but that has never stopped the working class. We are confident that the majority of workers will eventually organize to take on the company. The most important question is:
What do we fight for? ICWP says capitalism can’t be reformed to meet our needs. We must fight to destroy it with a communist revolution. History proves us right.
The Communist Party USA expended all its energy trying to reform capitalism and failed miserably. In the 1930s, they built the once-militant CIO, won the 8-hour day, better salaries, health benefits, pensions, social security, etc
In the 1950s Us bosses expelled the communists from the unions they built. Today, these unions are aiding Us bosses dismantle all those “gains.” From having hundreds of thousands of members and leading millions of workers, the CPUSA has been reduced to handful of Democratic Party supporters.
Socialism: Another Failed Attempt to Reform Capitalism
History also shows that even
Communist Parties that led armed revolutions to overthrow capitalism, like in Russia and China, failed because they fought for socialism. socialism kept capitalism’s money, banks, markets, and wages. socialism was the working class in power attempting to reform capitalism. It was an abysmal failure.
Today, learning from those mistakes, we fight directly for communism. To win the world we need, we must mobilize the world’s masses for communism.
Let’s Not Fight for Reforms
This means organizing against MTA’s reign of terror with political actions that attack capitalism, the source of all these horrors, and put forward communism as the only way to end them.
As capitalism’s crisis intensifies and the bosses spend more on wars, the attack on our wages, benefits and working conditions will be brutal. The bosses will be in no mood for concessions. some might not be able to grant these without going under.
A good example is greece. In the last 3 years, greek workers have staged 21 general strikes to stop their bosses from cutting their salaries and benefits. Yet, these have
been slashed by more than 50%.
Besides, whatever we “gain,” the bosses can and will always take back. Our energy should be spent organizing for revolution among all industrial workers and soldiers.
Let’s Organize ICWP
Many MTA workers are questioning capitalism. More are reading Red Flag. We are confident many will eventually join us to fight for communism.
Trade unionism is a capitalist ideology. It states that capitalism is basically good and can be reformed to meet workers’ needs. This is impossible. We don’t need another union nor worker committee. We need Red Flag readers’ groups in all MTA divisions to organize and give political leadership to our struggles.
We will start small but eventually will be able to mobilize thousands of workers to strike politically against capitalism-imperialism. We can have an explosive influence on millions of workers, nationally and internationally.
A Spark Can Start a Prairie
A handful of environmentalists refusing to allow trees to be bulldozed detonated the massive protests rocking Turkey today. Let’s advance our struggle by doubling to 1,600 the circulation of Red Flag at MTA. Take another copy for a co-worker and help hasten the end of capitalism-imperialism and the birth of the world we need.
June 19 – Hundreds of thousands marched in Brazil's major cities this week, many inspired by the recent upsurge in Turkey. The trigger was an increase in bus and subway fares, but (as in Turkey) the underlying causes go to the heart of the global capitalist crisis. A third of the people in this rising world power live in dire poverty.
Fanning the flames of revolt, the government is spending of billions of dollars on the upcoming World Cup and 2014 Olympics. "We don't need the World Cup," says a sign that's going viral on social media, "we need money for hospitals and education."
Actually the Brazilian masses, like their sisters and brothers worldwide, don't need the World Cup OR money. They need to abolish the capitalist money system altogether by mobilizing for communist revolution.
"The social movements in the world are learning from each other," said a professor in sao Paulo. When the communist movement makes a breakthrough anywhere – such as Los Angeles transit, seattle aerospace, or the maquila sweatshops in el salvador – workers and youth around the world will get one of the best lessons ever. We call on Red Flag readers to make this happen.